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Atlantic Roleplay Wiki
A Wiki of Atlantic History and Lore
Welcome to the Atlantic RP Community Wiki! This Wiki is used for the betterment and conservation of the community and its knowledge. We currently have over 1,428 pages in our database, all organized in our article index.


Newest Additions

  1. Diana: Fifth Generation Gangrel 4
  2. Diana: Fifth Generation Gangrel 3
  3. Diana: Fifth Generation Gangrel 2
  4. Diana: Fifth Generation Gangrel 1
  5. Vaen Swiftar Biography Book 4
  6. Vaen Swiftar Biography Book 3
  7. Vaen Swiftar Biography Book 2
  8. Vaen Swiftar Biography Book 1
  9. The Story of Sir Wolfen
  10. The Story of Mondain

Most Popular Articles

  1. Main Page ‎(623,754 views)
  2. Guild Message Boards ‎(35,377 views)
  3. Dealthagar ‎(18,638 views)
  4. Rune Artisem ‎(15,991 views)
  5. Edda ‎(14,803 views)
  6. Atlantic Unique Locations ‎(13,454 views)
  7. The Grand Library ‎(13,430 views)
  8. Current events ‎(13,136 views)
  9. List of Repertory Books ‎(12,046 views)
  10. Camilla cain ‎(11,322 views)
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Notices & Important Changes

  • The Wiki is set to allow new users. Please register/login to edit.
  • If you wish to view the index of pages, please see here.
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