Bi-Monthly Paper
Ophidian Invasions!

A Prayer by Bartholomew   
pg 3

The Yew Joust
pg 4

The Face of Your Regency
pg 5

Notice from Umbra
pg 6

Person of the Season
pg 7

Contest Winner's Poster
pg 8

Treefolk Attack Savhanna
pg 9

Bits of News
pg 10

Sermon by Evangeline

Learn to Play Cards
pg 12

Previous Issue

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We’ve all been through a lot these past few months from trials to jousts with madness mixed in between. Through it all we Magincians have been hard at work on this Summer issue. After slaving away these past few weeks we are proud to say that this jam packed issue may be our best yet. So sit back and get out that cup of Papuan coffee and prepare to enjoy the fruits of our labour.
Read about the exciting Yew Joust on page 4
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