Yew vs Malicite

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The Court of Truth

The Town of Yew vs. Lieutenant Malicite, Yew Militia Oct 3, 1999, Court of Truth, Yew, Atlantic Shard

Thrawn: Once the prisoner has been brought in, we will begin

Zarloke: Sit please,

Thrawn: thank you Militia

Gargish Dragon: Hail

Thrawn: greetings Gargish. Then, let's begin. Now everybody should be able to hear, thank you for coming today to the Court of Truth. I am Thrawn, Chief Justice of Yew, we are here today to decide the fate of Malicite who has been accused of treason against the people of Yew among other charges. The prosecutor today if SunWolf and the defense attorney is Kail. I will now give SunWolf the floor to explain the charges and make his opening statements.

SunWolf: thank you. Malicite is charged with high treason. He willingly broken out a prison of yew and then attacked many miltia members. He once stated he cared not for the city anymore but for himself In the end he was brought in by force. That is all.

Thrawn: Thank you. Kail.. you may now make your opening statements explaining why Malicite is innocent

Kail: Thank you. It turns out that Malicite may have been duped into his actions. By some sort of influence. Whether or not the influence was in him, or someone else, we are not sure. This is not right...However, I am determined to see to it that he is innocent, and should not be on trial... on account of treason. That's... about it. Thank you.

Thrawn: Thank you... SunWolf, you are welcome to call your first witness to the stand.

SunWolf: Thank you. I would like to call Rictar to the stand.

Thrawn: Proceed

SunWolf: Hello rictar

Rictar: Hello

SunWolf: Do you swear on all the vertues that you will speak the truth?

Rictar: I Do

SunWolf: Did you witness when the miltia came to arrest malicite?

Rictar: Yes I did

SunWolf: What happened then. Thru your eyes.

Rictar: Well. We arrested the acussed and brought him to the prision

SunWolf: Ok. Do you rmeember how he was brought in was there a struggle or did he turn himself in like Kail did?

Rictar: Yes almost crazy like - did not seem like the Mal i knew - was talking about killing everyone.

SunWolf: But it was malicite right ?

Rictar: Yes

Rictar: was talking about killing everyone. I had to keep blessing him.

SunWolf: Did he try this attempt to kill everyone?

Rictar: yes the members of the Yew

SunWolf: So when the militia came to Moonglow Malcite was acting strangely but it was him nevertheless ? and starrted to try to kill the members of yew?

Rictar: Yes it was

Rictar: but if I may say something, I do not beleive he was acting of his own mind

SunWolf: It was him right?

Rictar: yes the was attacking the militia. yes, it was him


SunWolf: That is all i have for you. Thank you.

Onikirimaru: says shh, claire. he will have his turn

Thrawn: thank you... Kail, you may question the witness hold on there Rictar

Kail: Ok, Rictar, was Malicite, as far as you know, acting as he usually would?

Rictar: No

Kail: How, exactly, was he acting that was so different?

Rictar: Well he kept fighting toforces it seemed a good and evil force

Kail: So it was a like an internal conflict, then?

Rictar: Yes. I had to keep blessing him to bring him back. He was struggling in pain all the time and kept passing out

Kail: Perhaps... an outside influence, then?

SunWolf: objection. malicite is on trial here, not some outside influance

Rictar: Yes I beleive so

Thrawn: over ruled, he is trying to explain his actions and proove his innocence. continue Kail

Kail: Now, Rictar, can you explain any comparisons that this had with my problem? That is, when you helped in arresting me.

Rictar: Yes it was almost the same but you where in more control over the forces then Malicite was.

Kail: My thanks. No further questions, your Honor.

Thrawn: thank you. >ou may step down Rictar. Kail, you may now call a witness of your own.

Kail: Very well. The defense calls Amalek to the stand. Do you swear by the vitues to speak nothing but the truth?

Amalek: I do

Kail: Can you explain to me your history with Malicite?

Amalek: Well I didn't know him well before your curse but then when I heard of it and how much he wanted to help you i offered to aid you and he said he would bring you to me

Kail: So this instigated the jailbreak?

Amalek: Aye

Kail: Now, were you under evil influence when Malicite came to you?

Amalek: I am not sure. My memory is very blurry from that time. Though I am told I was, and have been. for quite some time

Fustiar *kicks open door* Fustiar *grabs malacite* Fustiar: Coem with us brother!

Pyros says Halt

Gangrel: Vas Rel Por All come to certain Doom

SunWolf: seige him

Gromph: this is a farce!

Fustiar: The Ebon Skull doth not abandon its friends!

Amalek: Jonathon, to your seat

Kail: Ok, let's continue.

SunWolf: what is this nusance

Clair: what the?

Amalek: It appears they were trying to free him...

Kail: Ok. Amalek, do you remember your intentions when Malicite brought me to you?

Amalek: Though my memory isn't good. I am sure of what i was thinking at the time. I suffered from a similar curse as you and I intended to use you as a guinea pig to find a cure

Kail: So... your intention was to simply find a cure, not harness an evil power?

Amalek: Aye... Definitely to find a cure. Though I may have been interested in harnessing the curse too I am not sure

Kail: Can you think of any reason why you may have wanted to harness it?

Amalek: No

Kail: Thank you, Amalek. I have no further questions.

Thrawn: your witness Sunwolf

SunWolf: Amalek. what is your curent state of mind right now

Amalek: I'm fine. How are you?

SunWolf: Recently you murdered a bartender at serpent cross tavern

Jonathan: He is innocent I tell you!

SunWolf: You have been losing control of your mind also many times

Amalek: Aye...

SunWolf: you attacked miltia members and even killed some

Amalek: Yes...

SunWolf: ok

Amalek: Who is on trial here?

SunWolf: so your not really umm stable are you

Amalek: I suppose not

Kail: Objection. This is irrelevant to the trial.

SunWolf: So you came up wth this whoel big plan by yourslef to Control Malicite or trick him in your current state. Aye... I guess so

Thrawn: sustained.. please ask questions relevant to the trial

SunWolf: Why would you do that. So what do you knwo of Malicte's actions or think

Amalek: I am sure he broke Kail out of jail and brought him to me

SunWolf: Did he ammite he broke him out? to you

Amalek: I don't remember anything like that

SunWolf: I liek to ask to remove this man as a witness. How can we take what he says is true or not. he isn't even in the right state of mind at all

Thrawn: that is for the Court to decide, not you, sir

SunWolf: I am done with him

Thrawn: thank you.. you may step down. SunWolf, you may call another witness.

SunWolf: I liek to call Rainbow King to the stand. Rainbow King...

Rainbow King: *nods*

SunWolf: Your a man with honr and aways helped yew in time of need. What is your veiws of this matter. Ok how do you really feelabout malicite and his actions ?

Rainbow King: I've been pondering on wether or not these men are guilty for days Are they guilty?

SunWolf: He did commite them

Rainbow King: Yes, they're guilty of not being able to fight the outside forces enough

SunWolf: Tell the court what you witnessed yourself

Rainbow King: Are they guilty of betrayel, murder and conspiracy? No. Let me explain the events to you as I saw them. This entire ordeal started with Kail. In order to SAVE Yew he wanted to sacrifice himself. However it didn't turn out that way, and the OES placed a curse on him. After that Malicite, clearly showing signs of a curse himself

SunWolf: well how can someoen show he is cursed, they turn purple or something?

Rainbow King: Freed Kail from Jail and engaged Officers WITH the help of the OES.

SunWolf: so malicite is now with the oes which we all witnessed them trying to free him

Rainbow King: He is under a spell of the OES. The fact Malicite didn't flee with them clearly explains that aswell as Kail he's been able to fight off that curse and free his mind again

SunWolf: that is only bacuse they faield in there atpemt miltia was whatching malicite

Rainbow King: Malicite didn't make an attempt to run, he said he wouldn't leave. He could have made a run for it, but chose not to

SunWolf: running in a tiral only points you really guilty. mailicte isn't that dumb but his actions are thou before all this he did commite the crimes.

Rainbow King: The fact he obeyed the commands now and didn't when he freed Kail. Clearly point out he's not the same man now. Yes, both Kail and Malicite were guilty when they were under the spell. And they are both innocent now they're back in full possession of their mind. Who's to blame here? These men, accreditted members of the community who, without their own willing were targetted by an evil curse?

SunWolf: iwell do you or anyone here have any proof on this evil influance it is all hear say fomr friends of malicte

Hood Silverhand: AYE

SunWolf: how long have you knwo him and been his freind

Rainbow King: Every testimony brought before this court states Malicite didn't act like he normally did. As did Kail

SunWolf: also each one his freind

Rainbow King: All the evidence leads to the OES

SunWolf: how did you learn of this curse form a real source? have you seen it done?

Rainbow King: The curse on Kail, wivch is confirmed to start this ordeal

SunWolf: Kail was cursed we kow that malicite didn;t liek the idea of a inocent man in jail

Rainbow King: The aid they lend Malicite when freeing Kail, many Militia Officers whitnissed

SunWolf: he willingly broke him out

Rainbow King: And now an attempt to break Malicite out Do not fall for the OES trickery

SunWolf: how do we not knwo he was a spy all long he was never under a curse

Rainbow King: Embrace your own sons in your arms and prapare to meet your real foe.... the OES.... united we must stand

SunWolf: oes has always been a problem but when a member of the miltia frees priosners and tries to kill the miltia mebers tv that is antoehr problem. I am done with my witness

Rainbow King: It is the same problem if that same person would not normally do such things

Thrawn: thank you... Kail your witness

Kail: I have no questions for this witness, your Honor.

Thrawn: very well.. you may step down Rainbow King thank you. Kail, you may call your final witness

Kail: The defense calls Malicite to the stand. What is your current state of mind?

Malicite:rephrase that please

Kail: How are you feeling?

Malicite: better then last week

Kail: How are you feeling... mentally, then?

Malicite: tired

Kail: Do you agree that someone may have had an influence over you?

Malicite: no i do not agree. I am not the type of man to be "controled"

Kail: How do you view this situation, then?

Malicite: i freed a man that deserved not to be inprisoned and armed Yew soldiers came after me in MoonGlow

Kail: Why did you free this man?

Malicite: code of the warrior

Kail: At one point, more than a week ago, you wished to plead guilty. Why was that?

Malicite: i figured this case to be a lost cause and that i would just hurt myself

Kail: Can you be more specific on how you would hurt yourself?

Malicite: my honor

Kail: I'm afraid I don't have any more questions. Thank you.

Thrawn: thank you... SunWolf, your witness

SunWolf: Malcite some are saying you are cursed do you have any recall of this

Malicite: no i do not

SunWolf: ok. so you acted upon your own actions

Malicite: yes

SunWolf: you are aware of everything that did happen

Malicite: every last thing

SunWolf: i am done with the witness

Thrawn: hmmm... thank you. Malicite, you may step down. ok... Kail, please give your summary and closing statements

Kail: Very well. It would seem that Malicite may not have been under an influence. He claims that his honor is on trial here. However, it's obvious that OES has an interest in him. We all saw that for ourselves. However, what Malicite did, wasn't for fame, or anything tangible... He just wanted to help. That is all.

Thrawn: thank you.. your closing statements please SunWolf

SunWolf: Ok it is ovious that malicte is aware of his actions. at moonglow Oes aided him there and they attempted to aidhim here also. Tehr eis no curse or influances. He is fully arware when he attacked the miltia and broke the prisoner out fo prison that is all.

Onikirimaru: Mal took a stand for what he belived in, and for that he is a bracer man than I braver it will be allright hun

Thrawn: ok... I will return to my chamber for a few moments and return with my decision please remain while I consider the facts presented

Thrawn: From the evidence presented here today in the Court, here is my decision: there is no actual solid evidence of this alledged "evil influence" and although the OES may show some interest in our defendent there is no proof to show they are the ones who controlled his actions the facts are clear.... he attacked and opposed the Yew militia and is aware of those actions... and is responsible for them

Hood Silverhand: If I may, your honor? I think there is something that was missed here

Thrawn: For treason against the people of Yew I find Malicite guilty and sentence him to death.... his execution will take place in public, outside the Courtm one week from today. Guards, please escort him back to his cell. This Court is dismissed

Hood Silverhand: SunWolf There was evidence missing here

SunWolf: oh ?

Thrawn: thank you all for coming, and may Justice live long throughout Britannia

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