Yew Times 16

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Title: Yew Times #16

Author: Yew Town Council


All are invited to participate in an Alliance sponsored Halloween event which will take place in Yew on Thursday, October 27. There will be an archery contest, and other planned games, followed by a costume contest judged by Clan Moor. Mongo of the Yew guild will be shaving and donating his back hair for those in need of fake beards or wigs. For those who enjoy a good scare, Draken-Korin of the TWT guild will horrify listeners first with his Tales of Terror, followed by a display of his webbed toes. Event sponsors ask that parents act responsibly and not leave their children in the vicinity of creepy VO members who may carry them off into the night. Particular caution should be taken by those polymorphed into chickens while in the presence of Freyalise, who may mistake them for rivals in the pecking order.


Guards recovered the body of an elementary school boy from a local pumpkin field in Yew following an attack by dormant pumpkin entity which had been allegedly awakenedy the young boy's summoning activities. Fellow students claimed that the youth was fixated with the entity for several past Halloweens where he repeatedly made a vigil with no manifestation of the entity in question. Regettably, the lad would finally get his wish. His screams were heard by his elementary school teacher who immediately called the guards, but they were unable to understand her due to her speech impediment. His schoolmates who were nearby claimed that they were unaware of the tragic incident, as they were gorging themselves on fruit pies and dancing like idiots. Standing around the body draped under his own security blanket, his classmates reflected how fortunate they were that they had ignored his many invitations for them to join him in the past, and perhaps that the entity will leave them in peace having feasted upon the soul of their friend.


A chair took first place for its imaginative ghost costume in a contest sponsored by the Britain Crafter's Society. Two bedroom pieces partnered up as "One night stand with big chest" to take second place. A rattan coffee table donned a pointed hat and took third for its "wicker witch" costume to the dismay of present non-furniture contestants.


When Trick or Treaters come to your door, don't forget to pick up a something special for their mom and dad, or even their Uncle Joe. Because when adults take the kids out for an evening of fun, they need a little something to take the chill out of their bones. So, make sure to stock up on mini bottles of heartwarming cheer, to put that fire in their belly that'll keep them going the whole night. And nothing makes pumpkin carving with the kids more fun than matching shots and hacking a gourd with sharp knives. So, be a good neighbor give them a night that they probably won't remember, and keep mini-bottles in your treat bowl this Halloween.


10/03/11-The Modest Damsel 56o 25'S, 166o 13'E Magincia, Trammel

10/09/11-Joust Macabre, 9:00pm est. ARPC Event held at the Necromancer arena in Umbra

10/10/11-Lush House 170* 9'S 25* 56'w [Ter Mur

10/17/11-Hall of Drunken Elders (Falling Waters Fortress) Malas Facet 10.01'S 10.03'E

10/24/11-The Heroic Hangover Moonglow Town Council, Co Ordinates:58o 6'N. 145o 25'W Trammel,

10/30/11-Skara Brae ARPC Trick or Treat Event! More details to follow

Publish 2 Edition 16, 10-17-2011

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