Virtue Journal

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Virtue Journal


Lord Poshe

May, 2006 The virtues began their existence when goodwill was learned by creatures of all walks of life. There are many virtues to be expressed, but there are eight in which guide the populace today. Of these virtues, Lord British established the virtue system. He molded his government around these virtues and ruled with a pleasant and caring hand. While the Lord of Britannia is no longer with us, His virtues still guide us today.

What is a virtue? A virtue is a goal in which we set to better ourselves. They guide us, govern us and when we seek answers to questions, they show us the way. Virtue is the epitome of all things good. To be dubbed a virtuous person is to be deemed pure, good, true to others.


The Virtue of Compassion can best be seen as an act of goodwill. An act such as one who gives alms to the poor or a warrior sparing the life of a defeated foe. The act of compassion is to show empathy to others.

Symbol: Heart The heart is the best example of love. Love being the strongest form of empathy.

Derived From: Love As Compassion draws from Empathy, the strongest form of which is that of Love.

Anti-Virtue: Despise Naturally, there is always a counter balance to every virtue, Compassion's Anti-virtue is Despise. To despise is to distrust, to distrust is to dislike and to dislike is to hate.

Original Class: Compassion favors the Bard The Bard is most known for their ballads. They share a love for telling stories and thus show the very fiber of compassion with their mellody. It is they who often envoke peace between those who are willing to fight, sparing both sides any bloodshed.

Original Home City: Britain Also known as the city of Compassion, Britain was the home of the Late Lord British. It serves as the capital of Britannia. It boast two castles, Lord British's Castle and Lord Blackthorne's Castle. It is also the only city which houses a monument to all the shrines.

Opposing Dungeon: Despise There are many dungeons throughout the lands of Britannia. As such, they are all named after an anti-virtue. Despise Dungeon is the Opposing Dungeon to the virtue of Compassion. Despise is home to many creatures, Ettins, Earth elementals, Trolls Orge's and Ogre lords.

Mantra: Mu A Mantra is the word that must be spoken to invoke the virtue's powers at their given shrine. Compassions virtue is "Mu." Elightenment Can only be gained at the shrine by repeating the Mantra. Upon visiting the Compassion shrine, I spoke the mantra and saw no special effects.

Companion: Iolo There is little reference to the companions of the Avatar. Upon the Avatar's first visit from Earth, Lord British gave him 8 companions to aid him in saving the world of Sosaria. Each companion to the Avatar was believed to be a champion of the virtue they represented. Iolo is the champion of Compassion.

Color: Yellow The color Yellow is what favors compassion. While I am unsure of the reason why this color was chosen, Yellow to me shows warmth. A feeling in which one would gain while giving unto others.

Artifact: Iolo's Lute

While there are many replica's of this fine instrament, the Orginal has been lost through time. It is this Paladin's belief that Iolo never parted with it and it remains by his side wherever he is.


Symbol: Shepard's Crook Derived From: Absence of Any Principle Anti-Virtue: Pride Original Class: Shepherd Original Home City: Magincia Opposing Dungeon: None Mantra: Lum Companion: Katrina Color: Black

Humility is perceiving one's place in the world, not according to one's own accomplishments, but according to the intrinsic value of all individuals. - Poshe

The Paladin's code: Humility negates Pride.


The Virtue of Humility is best expressed by being humble. Humility can be expressed in many ways. One such way is fasting or taking a vow of silence. Aiding the group while claiming little in return. Such is the practice of Humility.

Symbol: Shepherd’s Crook The Shepherds Crook is a symbol of thankless devotion. The Shepard is best described as a poor man who cherishes the riches of his freedoms while not placing much importance on wealth.

Derived From: Love As Humility draws from devotion, a form of which is that of Love.

Anti-Virtue: Pride Pride is taking pleasure in ones actions or feats.

Original Class: Humility favors the Shepherd The Shepherd is best described as a humble being that tends to his flock as he would tend to his family. He cares for the well being of others without sense of reward or recognition.

Original Home City: Magincia Maginica is an island city located southeast of Britan. Its people have built the city to reflect the virtue of Humility in many ways. One such way is the color of the stones in which their buildings are marked. Humility is represented by the color of Black. Many of the city’s inhabitants often prefer to wear simple garb.

Opposing Dungeon: None Humility is the only virtue that does not have a dungeon to counter its effects.

Mantra: Lum A Mantra is the word that must be spoken to invoke the virtue's powers at their given shrine. Humility’s mantra is “Lum." Enlightenment can only be gained at the shrine by repeating the Mantra. Upon visiting the Humility shrine, I spoke the mantra and saw no special effects. After completing the Humility quest, my simple dark cloak turned to Sanctus gold.

Companion: Katrina There is little reference to the companions of the Avatar. Upon the Avatar's first visit from Earth, Lord British sent him 8 companions to aid him in saving the world of Sosaria. Each companion to the Avatar was believed to be a champion of the virtue they represented. Katrina is the champion of Humility.

Color: Black the color black is what favors Humility. While I am unsure of the reason why this color was chosen, Black to me shows silent satisfaction. It is a feeling one would get when an accomplishment was made and no recognition was sought.

Artifact: Humility Cloak This cloak is part of the virtue armor set. There are many of these about in the realm. It is said that when one takes the humility quest, they need never take it again.

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