Ultima Online 2

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Ultima Online 2 by unknown


Adaus (Atlantic) - Elemental Lord of Poison. Fought with other elemental Lords and Ladies in Vesper over who was the strongest.

Anvasflan (Atlantic) - Water essence summoned by adventurers in Destard(Trammel.) The instructions to summmon him were found in a tome translated by Verity Jerison.

Armstrong (Atlantic) - Tavernkeeper at the The Barnacle in Minoc(Felucca.) Sent players off to find his missing daughter. His daughter was not found with in Esteban's company and is presumed dead.

Azhug (Atlantic, deceased) - Cove(Felucca) orc leader. Led the Cove Orcs in a strategic uprising. Was killed by the player Auren Therion, Mayor of Britain.

Claudia Raym (Atlantic) - Tamer raised by dragons, had an affinity for animals and their control. Lived in a Cave near the Dungeon Wrong.

Daelia Ironhand (Atlantic) - Skilled healer and alchemist. Runs the Deep Forest Healing southeast of Yew and is the daughter of Gregory. Found healing properties in strange plants that were discovered.

Deckard Marner (Atlantic) - Grandmaster Warrior. Runs the New World Order Adventurer's Hall in Minoc(Trammel.)

Dynarra Raeven (Atlantic) - Ranger and Tailor.

Esteban (Atlantic) - Infamous mage banished from Minoc(Felucca) though to be with Armstrong's daughter who was enamored with him. Adventurers found him in the mines north of Minoc.

Ferix (Atlantic) - Elemental Lady of Blood. Fought with other elemental Lords and Ladies in Vesper over who was the strongest.

Finlay (Atlantic) - Mage of the Wind Council of Mages. Thought to have an artifact that will help to kill Tilf and Gilf.

Sergeant Grant Feist (Atlantic) - Master Warrior. Leads the town guards of Minoc(Trammel.)

Fremont (Atlantic) - A Skara Brae farmer who's crops have been rotting(Trammel.)

Gregory Ironhand (Atlantic) - Tinker who lives in a house outside of Skara Brae(Felucca.) Is the current owner of the Sword of Sacrifice, received from Lady Liane as part of a deal. Folks would help her defeat Xerot the Illusionist, and in exchange she would return the sword to human hands. Gregory was chosen (by players, no less) to be its protector.

Gregory Ironhand (Atlantic) - Tinker who lives in a house outside of Skara Brae(Felucca.) Is the current owner of the Sword of Sacrifice, received from Lady Liane as part of a deal. Folks would help her defeat Xerot the Illusionist, and in exchange she would return the sword to human hands. Gregory was chosen (by players, no less) to be its protector.

Lady Ishmael (Atlantic) - A yellow lady Liche often seen in Caina(felucca) meeting with the Shadow Conclave.

Jordan Cromwell (Atlantic) - An archealogist that seeks rare artifacts, particularly those of maritime nature. Lives in a manor home on the northern coast of Nujel'm.

Kaethen (Atlantic) - A friend of Rolf the Paladin who was seeking help in recovering a tome.

Lord Kaiston (Atlantic) - Treated in the Skara Brae Healers for lunacy, was released and caused havoc on the Skara Brae farmlands with his followers before adventurers brought them all to death. His apprentices body was never found and believed to return.

Kelly (Atlantic) - Apprentice healer to Daelia Ironhand. Works in the Deep Forest Healing southeast of Yew.

Kraltch (Atlantic) - An imp of the Daemon Nostur'yl. Aided Nostur'yl in the search for the obsidian posts.

Lady Liane (Atlantic) - Red Ancient Wyrm that can shape shift into a women in a red dress. Temporary owner of the Sword of Sacrafice. Plucked the sword from the body of the thief Breiswight, whom tried to use it to kill her, in a chance encounter.

Louis Cantern (Atlantic) - Alchemist, fearful of something he'd done to anger his uncle Lord Ascre, captured by spiders in Yew(Felucca) and held captive in their webs with their nests in the Yew Mill. Escaped and led adventurers back to the mill to clear out the renewed spider infestation.

Lupov Thagrad (Atlantic) - Man first sought by Nostur'yl because he held one of his gems.

Maximiliano (Atlantic) - A gypsy chieften spoken of by Anvasflan the watter essence

Nostur'yl (Atlantic) - Deamon, resided in Statue form out front of the Hungry Halfling in Rivendell but was moved to the Vesper Museum(Felucca.) Was known to take human mage form from time to time and was interested in Gems and Obsidion posts.

Patterson (Atlantic, deceased) - Alchemist consulting with Fremont, a Skara Brae farmer who's crops have been rotting(Trammel.) While investigating the field Patterson was deadly poisoned and passed away.

Philip (Atlantic) - Master Scout, Miner and Lockpicker. Philip requested the help of adventurer's in the Hungry Halfling(Felucca) to locate a his uncle's treasure. The greed-curse that was on him was lifted with the discovery of the treasure

Pralox (Atlantic) - Elemental Lord of Fire. Fought with other elemental Lords and Ladies in Vesper over who was the strongest.

Rathgith (Atlantic) - A mage servant of Nostur'yl aided the Daemon by raising the final Obsidian post from its watery haven where Lady Liane had placed it for safe-keeping. Used the Spell of Binding on Nostur'yl to turn him into a statue outside the Hungry Halfling(Felucca.) Made his body available for the resurrection of the Oracle.

Red-cloak Assasins (Atlantic) - A group of Assasins that wore Red-cloaks. These assasins are still being sighted. Rian (Atlantic) - Named by humans, a tan Wyrm that can shape shift into a child in a tan clothes. Son of Lady Liane

Rolf (Atlantic) - A Paladin seeking help in recovering a tome.

Russ (Atlantic) - A young man claiming to be a spy for the local Britain Guard. He requested aid in clearing the Brigands and Orcs from the Brigand Fort.

Octavia (Atlantic) - White widow spider seemed to be queen of the renewed spider horde that resided in the Yew Mill(Felucca.) Last seen escaping the Mill.

Spencer (Atlantic) - Red-robed Sage of Cove(Felucca.) Sought help in stifling the Orc uprising with their new leader, Azhug, near Cove. Anvasflan the water essence said Spencer was needed to find the mage cult leader.

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