Trinsic Virtue Awards

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Contributed by Turin   

Thursday, 17 August 2000

This was a system set up by Turin of the Trinsic Honor Guards in order to better award those guild members who excelled in their personal following of the virtues. As the information contained in this system is valuable for anyone who wishes to better understand the virtues, it has been published here as well.

The Virtues play an integral part of THG. Although the majority of us are knights of Honor, or Paladins, we also respect and observe the other seven Virtues. Complete disdain for their ideals is validity for

dismissal from the guild.

What are the Virtues?

The Virtues are a group of ideals based upon 3 main Principals. These Principals are as follows: Truth, Love, and Courage. Each of these Principals is based in one of the 3 castles of the realm. Love is based in the monastery of Empath Abbey. Serpent's Hold is home to Courage, and Truth revolves around the learning center of The Lyceaum. The Principals combine in different ways to give us the 8 Virtues.

  • Love leads to Compassion
  • Truth leads to Honesty
  • Courage leads to Valor
  • Truth tempered with Love leads to Justice
  • Truth tempered with Courage leads to Honor
  • Love tempered with Courage leads to Sacrifice
  • Love tempered with Courage tempered with Truth leads to Spirituality
  • Having none of the Virtues leads to Pride. It's opposite, Humility, becomes the final Virtue.

These eight Virtues are represented all over the land. Eight of the cities in Britannia have take up a Virtue as it's token.

  • Britain holds Compassion
  • Moonglow holds Honesty
  • Jhelom holds Valor
  • Yew holds Justice
  • Trinsic holds Honor
  • Minoc holds Sacrifice
  • Skara Brea holds Spirituality
  • Magincia holds Humility

Each of these eight towns has one specific type of person that represents and protects it's Virtue.

  • Britain has it's Bards to defend Compassion, lead by Iolo
  • Moonglow has it's Mages to defend Honesty, lead by Mariah
  • Jhelom has it's Fighters to defend Valor, lead by Geoffrey
  • Yew has it's Druids to defend Justice, lead by Jaana
  • Trinsic has it's Paladins to defend Honor, lead by Dupre
  • Minoc has it's Tinkers to defend Sacrifice, lead by Julia
  • Skara Brea has it's Rangers to defend Spirituality, lead by Shamino
  • Magincia has it's Shepherd's to defend Humility, lead by Katrina


aren't the only major places dealing with the Virtues. As the eight cities listed above are tokens of their respective Virtues, there are also places that represent the exact opposite. These places of evil are named the Dungeons of Britannia. Long ago, Lord British's Council of Mages sealed the Dungeons with eight Words of Power. However, someone unknown at present, found out what these Words of Power were, and opened them again. Now the evil that comes out of these holes is infesting the land. Dealing with this evil leads us to giving out the Dungeon Awards.

  • Despise is the antithesis of Compassion
  • Deceit is the antithesis of Honesty
  • Destard is the antithesis of Valor
  • Wrong is the antithesis of Justice
  • Shame is the antithesis of Honor
  • Covetous is the antithesis of Sacrifice
  • Hythloth is the antithesis of Humility
  • Stygian is the antithesis of Spirituality, but it has yet to be opened again.

Virtues and their Symbols

Each Principal and Virtue also has a symbol to represent it. These symbols are marked at the Shrines, and on the Runes of Virtue.

virtue_lycaeum.gif virtue_serpentshold.gif

Truth +

Courage = Love




















What are the Virtue Awards?

If you see a fellow guild member following a specific Virtue, either on purpose or just because that's who they are, let your leaders know. After a person has obtained 3 recommendations, he/she is applicable for an award and a addition to his/her title to show the devotion to that Virtue.

Titles are shown here:

  • Compassion - Compassionate
  • Honesty - Honest
  • Valor - Valorous
  • Justice - Just
  • Honor - Honorable
  • Sacrifice - Generous
  • Humility - Humble
  • Spirituality - Spiritualistic
  • Love - Lovable
  • Courage - Courageous
  • Truth - Truthful
  • Humility + Spirituality + Quest - Avatar

Rules regarding how titles are shown are listed here:

  • The award will be a marked rune to the Shrine or Castle it represents; the title will be an adjective representing that virtue added to your name. For example, Turin achieves the Compassion Award, and becomes "The Compassionate Turin".
  • These titles are additive. Thus, if Turin gets another award, Honesty, he becomes "The Compassionate and Honest Turin".
  • To keep them from becoming too cumbersome, if the 3 Virtues

    that come from one Principal are achieved, then they get an adjective based on it. So "The Compassionate, Just and Generous Turin" becomes "The Lovable Turin".

  • The two Virtues not represented by two Principals,

    Spirituality and Humility, are different. Humble is gained the same way as the others, but once achieved it is never merged into one of the three Principal titles. Spiritualistic is obtained by achieving the titles of Loveable, Courageous and Truthful.

  • To achieve Avatar status you must have all of the other Virtue

    titles, plus a quest will be given to you. Upon completion of this

    quest, you will achieve the highest Virtue rank in the land.
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