Trinsic Council Meeting Seven

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Martin Willow: I believe a few more may be on their way, so we'll wait a few minutes before begining

Annunzio: Now Martin, which staff is that?

Magefire: anyone heard from the vice mayor recently?

Annunzio: The original or the new one?

Martin Willow: Hail LaBelle!

Annunzio: Hail LaBelle

LaBelle: *nods*

Annunzio: Good to see you

LaBelle: Hail.

Smogg Azalin: Greetings

Magefire: Hiya LaBelle Magefire: (Please Join)

Reminisence: Greetings

Smogg Azalin: Nynaeve does not seem to be in the realm I am afraid

LaBelle: Greetings Lady.

Annunzio: Hail Mayor

Savhanna: greetings

Annunzio: Oh a full house

Magefire: not counting me Magefire: you have to be mentally present to count

Annunzio: Good thinkg I still have chairs from the convocation

Annunzio: If needed

Sylver: Not my usual seat, but it will do. *smiles*

Martin Willow: I believe thats all Im expecting, so lets get started..

Magefire: Yessir

Martin Willow: Thank you all for attending another Sandstonerific meeting of the Trinsic Council of Honor

Martin Willow: *grins*

Annunzio: *smile*

Magefire: sandstonerific? Magefire: should i even ask?

Martin Willow: The first subject id like to bring up

Martin Willow: Is the proposed alliance with G^V, that we decided to hold off on until this week

Sylver: *moves because he feels he was missing some conversation*

Martin Willow: When Vahn Shino could be present

Annunzio: *puts down chair for Sylver*

Sylver: Rel Por - Teleport

Sylver: Thank you

Martin Willow: Vahn, would you like to explain what exactly the alliance would entail?

Magefire: *has a heart attack*

Martin Willow: Or, perhaps he can sleep....

Vahn Shino: This allaince would entail the following, trade agreement, helping the fellow allie if needed,... Magefire: *picks up a pepple*

Martin Willow: *grins*

Vahn Shino: and so on Magefire: aye Vahn Shino: In a hypothetical situation... Vahn Shino: If the guilds of the TCoH wwere to be targeted for attack we would call upon the senate and then get Vahn Shino: orders to assemble the army and the Imperial gaurd Vahn Shino: to help out in needed Vahn Shino: if* Vahn Shino: As for the trade aggree ment we have our own tradesmen and merchant section so trade between the Vahn Shino: trades section and the TCoH would be possible

Martin Willow: *nods*

Vahn Shino: Are there any questions? Magefire: Aye Trinsic has it's own merchant section... Banister must get on those recruitments as well... Magefire: Nay none from me

Annunzio: How large is your guild?

Annunzio: I am not familiar with it...

Magefire: (400 isnt it?) Vahn Shino: Id say about 40 strong last I knew, we have our own university to train new recruits Magefire: (arg im thinkin GoV) Magefire: (and the syndicate...)

Smogg Azalin: Where is it located?

Vahn Shino: [*shivers thats a 4 letter word in the G^] Vahn Shino: [lol] Vahn Shino: Does anyone have any questions? if not I will give Martin willow the document to sign

Annunzio: Do you follow the Virtues?

Vahn Shino: Aye

Martin Willow: Is anyone in opposition of this Alliance?

Savhanna: who are your other allies or enemies?

Vahn Shino: At the moment we dont have any enimies, we are trying at the moment also to re established allies Vahn Shino: and make new allies

Savhanna: I only as because everyone feels they follow the virtues

Savhanna: Sometimes more is told of thier interperation by the company they keep.

Vahn Shino: Well if at sometime we were to encounter a hostile force that wanted to fight us we would first... Vahn Shino: engange in diplomatic missions to see if ti could be resolved Vahn Shino: if not only then would we fight the hostile force that wanted to fight us Vahn Shino: Anything else? Magefire: wheres the guild house? Vahn Shino: Its on an isolated island Magefire: ahh

Martin Willow: Anyone have an other questions?

Sir Robert: *shakes head slowly*

Magefire: *almost falls asleep* Vahn Shino: [was that a yes shake or a no shake?]

Martin Willow: DOes anyone oppose this alliance?

Vahn Shino: [lol]

Smogg Azalin: no

Annunzio: Nay

Sir Robert: nay

Annunzio: But I do have one request

Martin Willow: Allright...

Annunzio: You should let us know about your events

Annunzio: And proceedings, so that we may get to know you

Annunzio: And your members

Annunzio: And try to send a representative to these meetings

Annunzio: So that we know what the other is doing

Annunzio: Sound fair?

Vahn Shino: Alright Vahn Shino: Aye

Martin Willow: Alright then, if no one opposes, I will sign the alliance

Vahn Shino: Please pass this down to Martin Willow You can not pick that up.

Martin Willow: THank ye

Magefire: Yes'm Magefire: (didn't say ma'am, didn't imply)

Martin Willow: Alright

Martin Willow: It is done

Vahn Shino: Thank you

Martin Willow: *nods*

Annunzio: *clap*

Magefire: Yessir Vahn Shino: May this alliance be a fruitfull one

Martin Willow: Aye

Vahn Shino: *smiles* Magefire: *sits down and almsot falls off*

Annunzio: Indeed

Smogg Azalin: *nods*

Martin Willow: Next on the agenda....

Martin Willow: Just a small OOC note

Martin Willow: I will be out of town from Tomarrow afternoonish until the following Monday

Martin Willow: So either Nyn or Annunzio will lead the coming meeting

Martin Willow: And I will be out of touch

Martin Willow: Next up, is our next event to hold

Martin Willow: I was thinking that the virtue dungeons runs, which I brought up some time ago

Martin Willow: Would be a good one to try

Magefire: Yes

Martin Willow: Is anyone unfamiliar with the idea?

Magefire: I've got to remember to plan that (damned finals)

Martin Willow: Alright

Martin Willow: We'll leave it to Magefire to set an appropriate time and date for it

Annunzio: *smile*

Vahn Shino: Just let me know the date when you set it Magefire: say one word annun Magefire: and ye die

Martin Willow: Magefire, ye think ye will have the plan ready by the next meeting?

Magefire: I'll try

Martin Willow: Alright

Magefire: my last final is like monday the 16th but it shouldn't be too hard

Annunzio: Before I forget

Annunzio: Van and others, please note that our yahoo group is at


Annunzio: We use that instead of the message board these days

Annunzio: It's open to the public

Annunzio: So please feel free to join if you have an interest in Trinsic

Smogg Azalin: In Vas Mani - Greater Heal

Annunzio: Err, sorry to interrupt

Martin Willow: S'ok

Magefire: *Grins*

Martin Willow: Anyway, that is, infact, my entrie agenda

Martin Willow: Does anyone have anything they would like to bring up?

Annunzio: *raises hand*

Magefire: Tavern night

Martin Willow: Annunzio?

Annunzio: A few quick thi ngs

Annunzio: First of all, thanks to everyone who helped plan the convocation

Annunzio: It went well even though a few of the scholars were't there

Sir Robert: *whistles innocently*

Annunzio: But it was good to see a few citizens do have an inteerest

Annunzio: In scholarly affairs

Annunzio: Also I would like to note

Magefire: and ye didn't send out messages Magefire: via icq

Annunzio: Well

Annunzio: I talked about it on the group

Annunzio: Posted to message boards and

Magefire: eh that's not always enough

Annunzio: And sent out our newsletter

Magefire: send out pigeons or have martin send out pigeons as a reminded

Annunzio: Actually I did send out to stratics

Annunzio: But their reporters are only present intermittently

Sir Robert: Fie on them.

Annunzio: I'll try to send you an icq in the future

Annunzio: Anyway, I'd also note

Annunzio: That since I've now made a program that does the log conversions

Annunzio: I've been able to get through alot of our backlog

Annunzio: [Get it? Back-log?]

Martin Willow: *cheers*

Martin Willow: *and groans*

Annunzio: And posted alot of it on the site

Sylver: Nice work Annunzio.

Annunzio: Including last week's meeting and LaBelle's induction

Magefire: Good job

Annunzio: Actually the last part of the induction got cut off for me

Annunzio: So if anyone has it, please let me know

Magefire: I don't even remember what happened yesterday so I can't tell yas

Annunzio: Finally, I should mention this to clear the air

Annunzio: I heard an unfortunate rumor about one of our member guilds

Annunzio: At the Yew auction today I was approached by someone

Annunzio: Who said that the Cult had accosted Molly

Smogg Azalin: What?

Annunzio: And tried to coerce her into retracting her letter

Magefire: *Raises eyebrow*

Sir Robert: Hmm..

Annunzio: I thought that this should be not confined to rumors

Savhanna: Actually Martin, I thought you were to speak with her and report us on that tonight.

Annunzio: And that they should have a chance to give their side of the story

Annunzio: If indeed there is one

Smogg Azalin: hmm that is a serious matter, with such a rumour

Reminisence: *is not aware of what is going on*

Magefire: *Glances to Reminisence*

Smogg Azalin: In fact I spoke to Molly today, she told me she would come her herself

Magefire: someones trying to screw around with the Cult

Smogg Azalin: and explain that the trouble between her guild and mine has ended

Smogg Azalin: I do not undestand the rumor

Annunzio: *nods*

Savhanna: Martin did you meet with Molly as planned?

Martin Willow: I have not had a chance to meet her yet, unfortunately

Martin Willow: I do plan to do so, ive just been busy of late

Annunzio: *stretches*

Martin Willow: And I just recieved a pigeon that she is on her way.

Martin Willow: *smiles*

Smogg Azalin: Ahh good

Smogg Azalin: brb

Smogg Azalin: Kal Por Ylem - Mark

Savhanna: amazing what one pigeon can produce

Smogg Azalin: Kal Ort Por - Recall

Magefire: Hail to ye, M'lady Molly

Annunzio: Greetings

Sir Robert: Hail Molly

Martin Willow: Greetings Molly!

Reminisence: Greetings Molly

Savhanna: Welcome Molly, Thank you for coming

Annunzio: [afk for a few minutes, don't mind me]

Molly: Greetings.

Sylver: Hail Molly

Martin Willow: Hmm....

Martin Willow: Allow me to provide some chairs.....

Smogg Azalin: Good to see you Molly

Sir Robert: Take my seat please

Martin Willow: If you will all bide a moment...

Magefire: M'lady Molly Molly: *looks at Smogg frowning*

Smogg Azalin: I have a little something for you

Vahn Shino: I will give up my seat for I must be going [ i hate school finals!]

Martin Willow: Kal Ort Por - Recall

Magefire: an open seat for ye Molly: Will you come with me outside Smogg.

Savhanna: thank you

Vahn Shino: [thank god summer comming]

Smogg Azalin: *nods*

Savhanna: just hard to see back in the corner

Vahn Shino: Kal Ort Por - Recall Magefire: *leans against the wall and crosses arms*

Martin Willow: And suddenly we aren't short chairs....

Vahn Shino: Kal Ort Por - Recall

Martin Willow: *frowns*

Magefire: Molly and Smogg wen;t outside for a conversation

Martin Willow: Ah

Savhanna: they are in conference outside

Magefire: I'm giving her my seat

Martin Willow: There, seats for everyone

Reminisence: I should perhaps not spend so much time sleeping

Reminisence: then perhaps I would have some idea as to what is going on

Martin Willow: Magefire, Eleric, you can both take a seat now....

Magefire: I plan to take my leave shortly Eleric: No thank you i prefer to stand

Martin Willow: ALright then

Magefire: Aye Martin Magefire: NMy sister Magefire: (scribe char) would like to join, next time ye have the chance

Martin Willow: Since...hmm....our final item concerned Molly, I guess we shall wait

Martin Willow: Alright, have her get in touch

Magefire: (its me, just a char)

Martin Willow: (I know)

Magefire: (sure ya do =] )

Martin Willow: Hmm...Alright then, we were at the end of the meeting, but I believe Molly had somethign to say...

Molly: Alright Martin I have something to give you.

Martin Willow: Or give me

Magefire: *Grins*

Martin Willow: Say...give...*shrugs*

Martin Willow: Now, or after the meeting?

Molly: *looks at Smogg and then at Martin her look is that of fear but gives you the item.*

Reminisence: *looks between Molly and Smogg*

Smogg Azalin: *smiles at Reminisence*

Magefire: *Moves hair out of face* Magefire: damn deaths

Martin Willow: *looks at Molly, then the item*

Martin Willow: Hm...

Martin Willow: *glances at Smogg*

Magefire: Yes Martin?

Smogg Azalin: *nods with confidence*

Sir Robert: *rises eyebrow*

Martin Willow: Very well....For the benifit of the Council, Molly retracts the statements mentioned in the letter

Martin Willow: I recieved a week back

Magefire: *Tries to remember* Magefire: what were the statements?

Martin Willow: Her general distrust of the Cult

Magefire: H,mm

Smogg Azalin: I have some good news to bring up as well

Martin Willow: *looks to Smogg*

Savhanna: Molly what of the attack that was reported us that occurred while the letter was in transit?

Martin Willow: *looks back and forth*

Molly: *frowns and looks at Smogg fearfully then at Savhanna* It was our fault...we trespassed.

LaBelle: *lowers her eys slowly*

Sir Robert: *frowns noticing Mollys look*

Smogg Azalin: We can put it behind us now

Savhanna: Trespassed in Trisic or on Ncr land?

Magefire: *Closes eyes "Hmph"* Magefire: For everyone's benefit I'll keep my comments to myself Molly: We had to travel a road through their terratory.

Savhanna: I see.

Molly: *looks at Smogg her jaw tightening but still afraid*

Smogg Azalin: I am sure they we can arrange for safe passage next time

Smogg Azalin: if only you let us know in advance when crossing with many armed men

Smogg Azalin: Our borders have always been tense

Smogg Azalin: and everyone are at their guard

Smogg Azalin: communication is the key

Smogg Azalin: We must both learn some trust

Molly: *closes eyes and stays her mixed emotions of anger and fear and nods* Molly: Trust...

Martin Willow: *looks back and forth*

Smogg Azalin: *his face hardly visible in the darkness under his hat*

Martin Willow: Well then....

Martin Willow: I believe you said you had some good news, Smogg?

Smogg Azalin: Yes

Smogg Azalin: I am deligted to inform you all that I have finished my research on an old rite of blessing

Magefire: *Thinks*

Reminisence: *smiles at Smogg*

Magefire: Oh! Magefire: The ancient spell?

Smogg Azalin: It is a summer ritual, that can bring a city both good luck, trade and wealth

Sir Robert: *dodo vanishes.. off to deliver a message it seems.*

Smogg Azalin: I wish to offer Trinsic this blessing today

Smogg Azalin: after the meeting

Martin Willow: *nods*

Martin Willow: Is this alright with everyone?

Smogg Azalin: It was used by an ancient king to further the growth and wealth

Smogg Azalin: of his capital

Molly: *seems to be meditating*

Reminisence: I shall see you at the tower my love....I have to check on Llaar.

Smogg Azalin: *smiles at Reminisence*

Smogg Azalin: *nods*

Reminisence: Farewell everyone

Smogg Azalin: of course

Martin Willow: Fare the well

Reminisence: Kal Ort Por - Recall

Smogg Azalin: I only ask that we do not pass out the rite to other councils

Smogg Azalin: it is afterall valuable knowledge

Magefire: Right.

Savhanna: What became of this ancient city you speak of?

Savhanna: Are there any possilble ill effects to this spell?

Smogg Azalin: Well its is in ruins now. I suppose at some point the king died

Magefire: Hail Arcana

Martin Willow: Hail Arcana!

Arcana: Hail

Smogg Azalin: and people stopped blessing the city every summer

Arcana: *tries to sneak in*

Sir Robert: *grins at Arcana*

Sir Robert: Late but there she is.

Arcana: bear stay

Sir Robert: Have a seat

Arcana: Thank you

Arcana: *smiles*

Smogg Azalin: The time is perfect today though

Smogg Azalin: the warm air

Smogg Azalin: and the strong sun

Smogg Azalin: Even though it is a bit late

Arcana: Fanny?

Smogg Azalin: I think it would be worthwhile, the city could prosper grealy

LaBelle: *looks to the gent her right*

Martin Willow: Does anyone have any questions?

LaBelle: *keeping her eyes low*

LaBelle: M'lord, you propose a ritual to bring prosperity to the city?

Smogg Azalin: *nods*

LaBelle: *nods slowly rising*

Sylver: How exactly will it bring prosperity?

Magefire: *Stands up straight and moves hair out of his face again*

Smogg Azalin: It is a summer blessing

Magefire: I beg my leave, M'lords and ladies

Smogg Azalin: Not of a person, but of a city

Martin Willow: Safe Travels Magefire

Magefire: Fare the all well

Smogg Azalin: How come you find better items when wearing reptile skin?

Smogg Azalin: It is much the same. luck and fortune

LaBelle: You will forgive me m'lord,

LaBelle: *bows her head*

Smogg Azalin: *looks to LaBelle*

LaBelle: But only the people theselves can bring such to a city.

Smogg Azalin: *sighs*

Martin Willow: Epoch follow me

Sylver: Are you absolutely certain the spell will work? Could it fizzle like any other spell?

Smogg Azalin: I must admit I have not casted it before

Smogg Azalin: It is a recent tranlation

Arcana: Could there be some possible harm from it going awry?

Smogg Azalin: But I am skilled with ancient texts

Smogg Azalin: To much knowledge it is about as risky as attempting a common bless spell

Smogg Azalin: Well maybe a bit more tricky

Sir Robert: Hmmm..

Sylver: Aye, but we are dealing with a whole city here.

Smogg Azalin: I had the felucca side in mind

Arcana: I have the utmost faith in Lord Smogg after his skillful healing of my mother.

Smogg Azalin: It seems to need some good fortune badly

Smogg Azalin: And in the state the felucca side is in, it cannot possibly get worse

Smogg Azalin: Well?

Arcana: It seems a pleasant enough thing to me

Smogg Azalin: We should not delay much futher, the sun willl be setting soon

Martin Willow: Does anyone have any objections to it?

Sir Robert: *Dodo returns finally after his task, reappearing in Sir Roberts hat.*

LaBelle: *nods slowly*

LaBelle: I am afraid i do.

Sir Robert: I... I would prefer if Annunzio or other sages of the TCoH can take a look at it too.

LaBelle: I will take my leave.

Smogg Azalin: *nods*

Sir Robert: After all.. one week longer what does it make?

Savhanna: Aye

LaBelle: Lord Mayor.

LaBelle: Good eve to you.

Savhanna: The blessings I have recieved have come from the gods.

Smogg Azalin: I will gate to Felucca the felucca side then

Smogg Azalin: If there is nothing else

Savhanna: Seeking to increase wealth by the means of a spell would anger them I fear.

Martin Willow: Who is to say that

Martin Willow: The good fortune would manifest itself in the form of wealth

Arcana: *nods*

Smogg Azalin: I am sure no one will be angered

Sir Robert: So the spell would bring wealth to the towne.. How?

Smogg Azalin: It is a blessing. Much like a personal blessing

Smogg Azalin: or luck, when you wear gold armor

Smogg Azalin: But in city scale

Sylver: If it such a great spell, why do you not want to share it with the other cities?

Sir Robert: I'm afraid.. I sounds too good..

Smogg Azalin: If all cities use the blessing

Smogg Azalin: I am not sure what would happen. Maybe it would even out int he end. Or maybe not

Smogg Azalin: I am concerned with Trinsic though

Smogg Azalin: Not other cities where I am not welcome anyway

Arcana: Its sounds rather harmless, from your description

Smogg Azalin: The city is like a large being in itself

Sir Robert: I would, again, request another scholars view at the manuscript. Annunzio as example.

Smogg Azalin: alive

Smogg Azalin: I would not mind a scolar taking down notes form the ritual

Smogg Azalin: as long as it is not shared with other cities

Sylver: I am sorry but I still have some concerns. You say that the city who used it is now in its...

Smogg Azalin: Maybe generations to come will bless the city each summer

Smogg Azalin: It would be good to have the details

Sylver: ruins. Perhaps teh spell has negative effects in the long run.

Sir Robert: But I am afraid I must depart for now.. I will try to be back soon.

Sir Robert: Sanctum Viatas - Sacred Journey

Smogg Azalin: I am certain it will make the city better

Martin Willow: Perhaps, we could use the Felucca side of Trinsic as a testing ground for it...

Martin Willow: If the results are benifical

Martin Willow: Then, that is that

Martin Willow: If not....Well

Smogg Azalin: *nods*

Arcana: *nods*

Martin Willow: We can certainly handle it

Smogg Azalin: No harm done then

Smogg Azalin: Let us be off then before the sun sets

Arcana: *notes sunset*

Martin Willow: Since there are no other objects for the council to discuss

Smogg Azalin: allow me to gate

Martin Willow: This meeting is adjourned

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