The Virtues

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The Virtues

By JackDeth

Lord of the Lords of Valor

In this treatise I am going to try and explain the virtues and the way they have affected my life, but first let me tell you a bit about myself. My name is JackDeth, by no means the wisest man in our lands, but I do consider myself a fair and just person. At the time of this writing, I hold the rank of Lord in our guild the Lords of Valor. So let me get to my point and explain the virtues as I see them.

First let me speak of my favorite Virtue, and the one that my guild is founded on, Valor. Valor to me is fighting for what one believes in, no matter what the costs. What is more valorous, the person who fights for gain and profit, or the person that defends his home with no weapons are armor, and in doing so dies trying. I would say the later.

There are many definitions of honor, whether it is living up to ones beliefs or upholding a code of laws and ethics. I believe in these times there are less honorable people than there are honorable. Men who would rather kill there own friends and butcher the weak for a gold piece than to do what is right. To me honor is doing what is right by the virtues, and upholding myself to a higher standard. I live and die by my companions, and they live and die by me, and to me this is true honor.

The virtue of justice, is one that has been lacking much. There are too many wrongs in this world that need to be corrected. And we need more warriors, mages, and even artisans, that will live by this one code, and to start righting the wrongs that are being committed by men. Justice is the ability of one to right a wrong that has been committed. Whether it is helping the simple folk out whom have been slayed by a murderer, or had the farm ravaged by bandits. It is also, finding the criminals and holding them to a standard that is acceptable to the society has a whole, and then punishing their crime.

Honesty, I think is a simple virtue that is easy to understand. When one is honest, they tell the truth and do not lie. But, we must also take into consideration that everybody sees things differently, and one persons account of events will vary from anthers.

Compassion, to me is the ability to hold others and their lives in high regard, to help them whenever they are in need. I hold all life in the highest regards, and will help all that come to me in their times of needs. Whether it is the beggar who needs a few coins to eat, or the warrior that is down on his luck. Even the criminal who has stolen, needs to have some compassion directed to them.

Sacrifice is giving up belongings and ones life, for the good of the community. Whether it is giving a few coins to a charity or donating ones entire wealth to the betterment of the society, or giving your life to defend the weak. That is true sacrifice.

Humility is a code that I think is very lacking in these days. To many people touting they are the best and being all full of themselves and their abilities. Humility is the ability to tell when one is not the best, and the one that is willing to learn something new. As a virtue this means many things. One, know your limitations, and live with them or learn to better them. Two listen to others and what they have to say, for you may not always be correct in your assessment of the situation.

Spirituality, I am not the best person to comment on this virtue, but I will do my best. Spirituality has many forms, but I think most importantly it is taking all the virtues and living by them, to the best of our ability.

Give me honor to know right from wrong, Justice to uphold the righteousness, Valor to do what is right, Honesty to know the difference between what is right and wrong, Compassion to help others in their time of need, Sacrifice to give myself to those needs Humility to know when I am wrong and to correct it, Spirituality to live by all of the virtues above.

JackDeth Lord Lords of Valor

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