The Story of Mondain
From Atlantic Roleplay Wiki
The Story of Mondain by Thulsa Doom
The Story of Mondain
As told in the Book of Lore
At the time British
arrived [in Sosaria], a
native lad was growing
up in Sosaria, being
trained in the ways of
sorcery. He was a
moody youth, given to
sudden rages and fits
of despondency. To
offset the latter, he
would take his dagger
into the woods and
hunt, leaving his prey
to rot where they fell.
He would return to his
manor restored, strong
in the confirmation of
his power over life
and death.
His name was Mondain, and Mondain's strange ways were a constant worry to his father, a busy, much respected mage. When Mondain was fifteen, his father took a stand.
"Thou shalt take a year off from magic, Mondain," his father said. "to improve thine abilities and develop thy virtues. I have arranged for thee to live with the brothers in the abbey, where thou shalt practice compassion and humility. "Learn thy lessons well, my son, and this ruby gem, which harnesses the power of the sun, shall be thine."
Mondain said nothing. The next night he slew his father and took the gem, for he was ready for power and his father was in the way.
At the same time Lord British was gaining a reputation for fair and honest government in his provinces and attracting attention for his startlingly innovative ideas, Mondain was using his father's gem against itself to produce a black jewel that would render him and his evil immortal. Success meant gaining an even greater power over the evil minions of darkness. As terrors wrought by Mondain caused increasing unrest and dismay across Sosaria, British's ideas for unity of the city states became more and more appealing. At the same time Lord British was gaining a reputation for fair and honest government in his provinces and attracting attention for his startlingly innovative ideas, Mondain was using his father's gem against itself to produce a black jewel that would render him and his evil immortal. Success meant gaining an even greater power over the evil minions of darkness. As terrors wrought by Mondain caused increasing unrest and dismay across Sosaria, British's ideas for unity of the city states became more and more appealing.
But the time was not quite ripe, for the widespread evil was beginning to take a tremendous toll. Something new was needed, thought British. He absently reached for the silver serpent he wore about his neck. Touching it in contemplation, he envisioned the kind of hero Sosaria needed to deal with Mondain.
Within days, a stranger arrived in Sosaria. With utter devotion to truth and good, the stranger grew into a hero capable of facing Mondain. Eventually, the heroic stranger found the malevolent gem and destroyed it, along with its creator. With Mondain's destruction, the forces of evil began to wane.