The Savage Garden

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The Savage Garden

by Treadeau Du'rome

“Feed us, come to us, we are your children. You are Our Beauty. It is Our Garden...

We shall behold the Savage Garden with all of its carnal Beauty. We shall walk the gardens crimson lawns to the Plutonian shores. We shall approach the apex of the Beauty at the pinnacle of Night.

Feed us, come to us, we are your children. You are Our Garden... It is Our Beauty.

It shall scream to us with its lecherous cries. It shall teach us the cries of hopes bludgeoned and of dreams destroyed. It shall see pleasure in experiences shattered. It shall beckon us within and we turn to embrace its knowledge. It shall give us its erudition and we are now its children.

Feed us, come to us, we are your children. You are Our Beauty. It is Our Garden...

We Your Children cannot hide from the Immolation of the Light. We Your Children shall have our Bells Immolated. We Your Children shall have our Garden Immolated. We Your Children shall have our Beauty Immolated. We Your Children have been chosen to Die by Immolation. We Your Children must sup from the Cup now or face Immolation of Damnation later.

Feed us, come to us, we are your children. You are Our Garden... You are Our Beauty...

We are Its Children…”

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