Terms of Alliance for the Nation of Stygia

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After careful consideration, the cities of Caina and Wintermoor have entered into alliance with each other to insure their mutual protection from the outside forces that wish to colonize or further endanger the lifestyles partaken of in our lands. It is the sacred right of a common people not to have their way of life interfered with by outside entities thusly the two cities now see a great peril to those rights which has caused us to band together under this joint agreement.

Treadeau Du’rome

As the voices within the Great Hall fell silent, all eyes were directed to the men sitting at the head of the long oaken table. The leaders of Wintermoor, and it's northern neighbor, Caina, had ceased their debate, ending what seemed like hours of deliberation and maneuvering.

"Then, we are decided?" asked a member of the Cainan Tribunal.

"Then we are decided." Answered a Wintermoor official.

With that confirmation, both sides applied their official seal to the long parchment which lay before them, leaving two wax imprints, which heralded the dawning of a new era…

Terms of Alliance for the Nation of Stygia


The Cities of Wintermoor and Caina ­ including all holdings, and environs therein ­ shall officially recognise each other as allied city-states, forming the Nation of Stygia, from this day forth. This alliance shall consist of, yet not be limited to, Defensive co-operation, Trade and Commerce relations and Intelligence Networking.

Upon agreement to this alliance, the highest-ranking members from the Council of Wintermoor and the Cainan Tribunal of Entropy shall form a High Council. This body shall be known as the Stygian Council, and shall consist solely of the highest-ranking members, or appointed representatives of each side.

Both party’s are reserved the right to enter into hostile relations, for whatever end they deem worthy, without it being necessary to inform or involve the Stygian Council.


1.1 ­ Within the environs of the Caina / Wintermoor Alliance [hereafter to be known as Stygia] both the Cainan Tribunal of Entropy and the Wintermoor Council agree to aid and co-operate in the event of security threats.

1.2 ­ “Security Threats” are to be defined as any act from external parties and/or individuals which attempt or aid acts that will prove detrimental and/or malicious to the immediate and long-term prosperity of Caina and/or Wintermoor.

1.3 ­ In the event that either the Cainan Tribunal of Entropy or the Wintermoor Council are forced to enter into military operations that are of an internal or one-sided interest; then aid can be refused, without the breaking of the MDA Agreement.

1.4 ­ Citizens and Troops of each city are bound by the terms of this agreement to abide by the laws of the city, when within the confines of either Wintermoor or Caina. This includes the laws, which directly contravene the laws of the individual’s home city.

1.5 ­ Disregarding or intentionally breaking article 1.4 will be punishable under the law of the city in which the offence was committed. Punishments are left to the decision of the said cities ruling body, and are permitted (though not limited) to any course of action.


2.1 - Upon agreeing to the Caina/Wintermoor Alliance, the ruling body of each City shall endeavour to create, and maintain, effective trade relations with the other members of the Stygian Nation.

2.2 ­ Trade relations between Caina and Wintermoor will be formed, maintained and encouraged at each and every opportunity.

2.3 ­ Trading of all materials is permitted, regardless of the legality of such materials upon mainland Sosaria. The responsibility of declaring any material(s) to be contraband rests with the Stygian Council.

2.4 ­ Those found to be actively or covertly affecting Trade between Caina and Wintermoor will be subject to the full force of the law of the City in which they are apprehended, or taken into custody within.


3.1 ­ Under the terms of the Caina/Wintermoor Alliance, all intelligence that may have bearing upon the security, economic welfare and/or future welfare of the neighbouring city, regardless of origin or means of collection, shall be shared in full.

3.2 ­ Intelligence consists of, but is not limited to, enemy troop movements, activities of ranking members of enemy forces, information regarding any attempt to de-stabilise or covertly affect with ill-intent holdings, allies or other of the neighbouring City.

3.3 ­ Proven withholding of Intelligence Information will violate the Stygian Alliance, and severe penalties will be imposed upon the offending City Council.


4.1 ­ The two leading members of the Stygian Nation (those being the Cainan Tribunal of Entropy and the Wintermoor Council) will meet at regular intervals to review and uphold the terms of the Stygian Alliance.

4.2 ­ Appointed representatives of either party are permitted to attend the meetings [4.1] though notification of such an appointment must be made to the other party.

4.3 ­ Aiding and or collaborating with those known to be opposed to the Stygian Alliance shall be viewed as an act of treachery, and punished accordingly.

4.4 ­ The Cainan Militia and the Wintermoor Militia shall remain separate entities, with their own command structure, recruits and objectives. Both militias will be allied and aid and assist the other as and when the opportunity arises.

4.5 - Whilst both the Cainan Tribunal and the Wintermoor Council are free to make alliances, as and when they see fit, in order for another party to be admitted to the Stygian Alliance, both parties must be in agreement.

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