Stormhaven Royal Announcement

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Ye Royal Announcement Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Thee are invited to the Event of the Ages! The Union of Queen Shantel Moon and Prince Talon Skyfire in eternal bliss.

In honor of this most blessed occasion the Kingdom of Stormhaven shall hold a Royal Festival of grandeur unlike any a fore. Two days of spectacles, merriment, and fanfare of a monumental scale shall be had for enjoyment of all.

Upon Saturday, the twentieth and seventh day of Julius shall be held events and games for Nobles and Commoners alike including the Lost Knight, a Scavenger Hunt, Kissing Booths, Fortune Tellers, Merchant Faire and Story Telling games.

Upon Sunday, the twentieth and eight day of Julius preceding the blessed ceremony shall be held the 'Royal Tournament of the Crown' boasting separate competition events in Maces/Swords, Archery and Magery each offering a prize purse of 100 thousand gold pieces. In addition a Tournament Grand Champion shall be awarded a prize purse of 500 thousand gold pieces.

Entertainment and spectacles between the tournament competition events shall include Dragon Wars, Nightmare Wars and a Joust featuring the vile Black Knight vs. the virtuous White Knight. Come choose your favorite Tamer/beast and/or Knight to cheer them on. Show your favor by placing a bet of 1thousand gold pieces in hopes of winning the betting pot!

Merchants of all crafts and lands are invited to come and set up booths or hawk their wares throughout the Tournament of Crowns for the opportunity and delight of the spectators who seek to purchase their master quality wares. Chefs, cooks, Brewers shall be hawking exquisite delicacies, foodstuffs and the finest wines and ales of our lands to appease the palettes of spectators as well.

The Royal Wedding shall take place upon the eve of the Tournament of the Crown and all shall be invited to this long awaited and blessed union of our liege Lady and Lord. A reception and banquet shall follow boasting a feast for Kings and wine and ale in abundance served to the entertaining spectacles of singers, storytellers and dancers. The celebrations are expected to last long into the night for as long as the guests can survive it.

By royal decree of her Majesty Queen Shantel Moon and Prince Talon Skyfire all lands and holdings of Stormhaven upon these two days are declared neutral for all peoples, races, kingdoms, townships and orders. All are invited to attend with safe passage and all physical aggression is outlawed except individually agreed duels of honor.

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