Spirit Speak

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Spirit Speak by Annatar

Since the days when flesh and spirit separated, mystics and spirits have longed to reach the other side. Talented people - mediums - can learn the Art of the Living Bridge - the Path that turns the sorcerer into a doorway between worlds.

This path allows you to reach across the Shoud into the Void and contact spirits or ghosts. Since most people, even mediums, assume that all spirits are more or less the same (they aren't), this can be a risky proposition. Fortunatly, this body of occult lore includes a number of safeguards so that when the worst does happen, you have something to fall back on.

Spirit's Speak learning curve is steep; the early steps of this Path are dangerous but unavoidable. Amateur mediums get themselves in troubles by confusing banes with ghosts, or nameless Spectres for ghostly loved ones. Less of an art then a shot in the dark, Spirit Speak shows yo uthe way, but does not teach you how to walk it. That knowledge comes only with experience.

If your talents lie in this direction, the Spirit Path allows you to put them to good use. As a medium, you open yourself up to the spirits - becoming, in effect, their conduit into the material world.

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