Service to Others

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Title: Service to Others

Author: Elizabeth

I was a slave... My training complete.... What I remember was following the will of others. I was good at it, I only wanted others to be happy, never questioning if I was or wasnt happy.

As children, my twin and I, were raised in slavery. For many that word has little meaning but to me it became my home, my school, and my way of life.

When we were trained well enough, the master of the slavery took us for his own, this position was sought out and highly prized.

We were pampered more but the slightest infraction would bring harsh punishment. Our training was to make us a pair, serving as one for a master. A plan to increase our worth but it was doomed to fail.

One day, my twin was late rising and severely beaten. I went to the master of the slavery, begging him to show mercy and was met with laughter.

So enraged I struck out at him and was stopped by the reflexes of the guard. Stripped and beaten we were taken to be branded for our new master. I was still rebellous and caused the branding to scar me badly.

Being damaged I was sent to the kitchens, to serve the cook while my sister was sold to a new master.

While in the kitchen I was taught humility. No longer the favorite but just a common slave.

My mind would not hold fast to anything. Life became a blurr, my family long gone, my sister sold and now me as a kitchen slave.....

I was able to catch the eye of a visiting noble and his beautiful wife. Serving them, they inquired of my cost and I was sold on that day to Mesostopheles and his wife, Cassiopea.

At first my kitchen skills were only required then I was introduced to another slave, Kat. I was to take care of her as well. I eventually learned of my master's Daemon personna and his need for Kat....

Through my service, I was made a Handmaiden to Cassiopea, who was Queen of the Damned. It was exciting and puzzling at the same time. So much evil yet honor abounded around me.

I met a tall, strong soldier of darkness named Dissident. He was very commanding and confident. The words that come to mind to describe what happened next are foolish yet true. He swept me off my feet....

He went to my masters and a bargined for my freedom. Freedom...the word frighten me, I had lost it so long ago.

Dissident was very very rich and gave much to purchase me. My life's path changed drastically. No longer a slave but a companion to a feared warrior. Ones that looked down upon me, now greeted me as one of their own.

But fate was not done with me yet. Over time much was planned, a large wedding, proper attire, manners were learned, education of the politic of the day studied. I was to be a wife of a nobleman. Then fate changed that for me. I was decieved by Dissident, he was not the beloved I had hoped for and was cast out.

I returned to my former master Mesostopheles and his wife. They welcomed me and told me to find my future out in the world.

Traveling I met a sad and lonely Drow. Queen Cassiopea's sister had arranged our meeting. He was so mysterious and hard but with a gentle side to him. Thinking back brings a smile to my face. His speech was rough and jagged. Our words were so different.

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