Regency Positions

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Governor-Regent - Chamberlain - Chancellor - High Ambassador - High Advisors - Justicar - Sherriff - Chaplin - General - Admiral -

Who Are They?

GOVERNOR-REGENT: The Governor-Regent is the figurehead of this administration and the representative of Lord British.

THE SMALL COUNCIL: The Small Council (or Cabinet) handles much of the day-to-day responsibilities of the Regent’s Government. The small council consists of the Lord/Lady Chancellor and the Lord/Lady Chamberlain who are appointed by the Governor-Regent. If at anytime, the Governor-Regent is unavailable, the small council will have the authority to speak on his behalf, until such time as he is available and he can handle the situation personally. This should make sure that the plots and intrigue that this government hopes to generate would not grind to a halt based on the availability of one person.

LORD/LADY CHANCELLOR: The Lord/Lady Chancellor is an advisor to the Regent. He/she represents the administration of the Regent regarding most matters military, and most matters of international law and diplomacy. He/she will be the conduit between the Regent and all related Positions of Royal Responsibility in these areas. He/she is equal in standing with the Lord Chamberlain and he/she will represent the concerns of the Regent at the Great Assembly.

LORD/LADY CHAMBERLAIN: The Lord Chamberlain is an advisor to the Regent. He represents the administration of the Regent regarding most matters of the interior, and most matters of domestic law and diplomacy. He/she will be the conduit between the Regent and all related Positions of Royal Responsibility in these areas. He/she is equal in standing with the Lord/Lady Chancellor and he/she will represent the concerns of the Regent at the Grand Parliament.

POSITIONS OF ROYAL RESPONSIBILITY: These are positions within the Regent’s Administration that imply a national responsibility. These positions can only be filled by the individuals or group members that have sworn fealty to the Regency.

HIGH AMBASSADOR: The High Ambassador represents the Regency in its dealings with other entities. He/She will be responsible to recruit ambassadors and structure her department and the acceptable protocols used to interact with both foreign and domestic dignitaries. When applicable, he/she answers to the Lord/Lady Chamberlain on domestic affairs and the Lord/Lady Chancellor on foreign issues.

LORD/LADY JUSTICIAR: The Judge in charge of the Supreme Court of Britannia. The Lord/Lady Justiciar will sit in authority of all local, regional and national courts within the realm of Britannia. He/she will recruit and organize the legal staff he requires to meet his responsibilities. When applicable, he answers to the Lord/Lady Chancellor.

THE GRAND PARLIAMENT: The Grand Parliament is a political body made up of members from each Vassal Fiefdom. The Fiefdoms will elect, or appoint their own representative to the Grand Parliament in any manner they wish. The Parliament itself is concerned primarily with legislation that will effect the Britannian Government on behalf of Lord British, his Regent and his citizens. They may create policies that outline how they will deal with outside entities (Allies, Neutrals and Hostiles), but none of those outside groups will be allowed to hold a seat or vote in the Grand Parliament. The structure of the Parliament will be further defined when the members of Parliament meet. They will determine for themselves when and where they hold meetings They will determine their meeting rules and procedures. They will elect their own Spokesperson(s) to moderate their meetings and present and they will choose their title(s). (Chairperson, Speaker, Prime Minister?) No member of the small council may hold a position on the Grand Parliament, though they are welcomed and encouraged to sit in on its proceedings. However, in cases where the Grand Parliament has an even number of members and a deadlocked vote is possible, the Lord Chamberlain will be expected to sit in on the meetings and, if necessary, cast a deciding vote. Once a month, at the conclusion of The Court of King's Bench, the Grand Parliament Spokesman will present any new policies, laws, or decisions that the Grand Parliament hopes to have ratified to the Govenor-Regent. The Governor-Regent will then have the option to support these decisions or deny them. Anytime the Governor-Regent feels he must deny the decision of the Grand Parliament, he is obligated to present written documentation of his reasons to the Grand Parliament and, if applicable, his proposed changes to the legislation. The Grand Parliament may continue to submit an overturned decision to the Governor-Regent as often as they see fit, changed or unchanged, until such time as they feel the issue has been dealt with sufficiently.

THE GREAT ASSEMBLY: This is a political body made up of representatives from all nations, alignments and races. (OOC: It is similar to the United Nations in that even groups at war are expected to participate within the larger community. Much like Iraq and Iran, or the US and Russia during the Cold War, organizations that are enemies must be able to act accordingly on a diplomatic level. This body would act similarly to the way that the Consensus is supposed to act OOC, except that it follows a roleplayed, in-character agenda instead.) All groups will elect or appoint their own representative to the Great Assembly. The Great Assembly itself is concerned primarily with enactments that will influence International policy in regards to trade, conflict and diplomacy. The structure of the Parley will be further defined when the members of the Great Assembly meet. They will elect their own Spokesperson(s) and they will choose their title. (Spokesman, Speaker, General Secretary?) Because this is an international Council, meetings will be rotated to a different host organization each time. It will be the host’s responsibility to provide a suitable, safe location for the meeting and to enforce strict diplomatic and safe harbor guidelines.

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