Published Works of the Governor Regents

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Published Works of the Governor Regents


A Brief Treatise on The Just War - Governor-Regent Adrien Garnier


War in and off itself is a terrible evil, destructive, violent and contrary to virtues. But there exists in an imperfect world flawed by vice and the propagation of the evils of the anti-virtues a necessity for the [i]virtuous state to defend the sacred right of the citizen to freedom, liberty and a life in service to the virtues.

Article I: The Sacred Rights of the Citizen:

--Justice dictates that every citizen is entitled to enjoy the sacred right to develop and enjoy, so far as is possible, the ability to develop his or her abilities and his or her other potentialities to the extent by which they are mentally and physical desire to within the boundaries of the doctrine of the virtuous state.

--Every citizen has the right to incur such and only such obligations as he or she wishes, or be free to make such and only such contracts as he or she desires and to determine his or her own free choices.

Article II: The Just War:

--A just war is one in which the good to be achieved outweighs the evils involved in waging the war in which a clear distinction is made between combatants – who’s lives are at stake—and innocent non-combatants.

--The only justification for the just war is the liberation of the oppressed, be it by foreign powers, or their own ignorance, and their incorporation into the virtuous state

The Final Missive to My People -Governor Regent Rufus Oryan

I pray that the essence of being and existence will rule supremely above all things. It is the inhabitants of Sosaria way to make it so that the realm, which they exist in, contains articles and institutions that will benefit all races and factions of the land. I pray that the essence of hope will continue to exist and reign in the hearts of all who know that their focus is rightly guided and their endeavors are just, with explanation and motivation. I pray that the rightful rulers of designated landmasses and governments of the world will unify in an attempt to increase and sustain peace amongst all people. Finally, I pray that my missive(s) will be accepted and looked to as a ray of hope and guidance for the meek, the wise, the hungry, the needy, and rich, the Noble, and the peasant. I pray that this final missive reach you all…

It is within our creation that we exist to justly increase the notions of economic security and valor within our realms protectors. With the rights of creation, adaptation, genesis and religion, that we do increase the understanding of our peers and see that they do live out their lives happily and prosper in hard working efforts. With the divine entities we worship, we are allowed those voices, those interests, and the ability to seek these ideals and possibilities that I have aforementioned. We all are the rightful holders and protectors of our own people and persons we accept into our cultures and attempt to understand; with that, do not lead astray or meander along the paths that would aid your brother. Hold fast to the ideals that will keep peace, security and equality for all beings. Do not stray from them, for as the path becomes cluttered, it is this unity that will help you usurp and overcome the obstacles that lay before you. It is brotherhood, understanding, education and the will and want to do right that will unify and accomplish the task of betterment. As we are individuals crafted without perfection; our personal interests, ignorance, miscommunications, misjudgments, mistakes, ideals, education and miseducations, and other traits of individuality are allowed initially. But as they are stressed and expressed to us by others, the process of learning and growth…or even adaptation or Genesis takes it form by allowing us the ability to correct these traits that will turn away the hand and cheek of our brother. Be lead not away by fault, but stand fast to the dedication of aid and education.

Understand that government is nay an attempt at the conversion and/or conquest of free will or individuality, but an attempt at an orderly, systematic society. A society made up of various colonies, individuals, groups, townships, or kingdoms hoping to collectively assemble for the betterment of their nations. The people shall always have a voice in their ruling party, or leader. They will always be able to vote against or speak against that leaders ideals or decisions. The Government that Rules the people Should be Of the People’s words and hearts. Within heart, I hold a strong connection to the Regency and what it stands for. Aside from my position as Regent…I know of the power of a symbol or Right, The power of a symbol of unity and strength. I know the power of an untainted organization bent on seeing a grand collection of individuals ruled and judged in a way they see fit. There voice and the voice of their Lordship go hand in and…Forever. Strive to see that organized government continue, and flourish.

As shadows pass overhead, and darkness looms near, know that Prophets will always be about to make sure that all are spared. In instances where one feels that they have lost, and there is nay a need to carry on, understand that the Great Ssithnos has presented before ye a divine choice or an obstacle. And with that decision you will become stronger; but ye must make a decision. Ye that doth walk amongst men, elf, orc and all other will understand that it is these beings that contribute to thine growth and education and in time, be it effortless or contemplated, you will overcome your ignorance and watch as the paths of Chaos, Order, and Balance meet at a fork. And for that moment in time, no matter how brief, how minute, bliss and peace will be about the land. Strive for that…

I leave ye all now. I sail where the winds of time take me. I leave ye to spread my message, to entangle the peoples of all realms and nations in a web of understanding, brotherhood, education, acceptance, religious freedom, and peace. I leave ye to compile a great bible, a catalog of my ideals and experiences as a being amongst beings. I leave ye with a tear in my eye, and an ache in my heart. For to leave you all for whatever time It may be to complete my quest that was Divinely placed before me, Pains me to whereas it aches to Stand…

Be Well Upon The Path…

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