Pog The Accursed

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Pog is a tall Orc, taller than usual, but gaunt. Rarely does he take off his helm, but when he does, the scar of an Elvish blade runs from his chin along his jaw to his tattered ear, a relic of his runtee days. Pog was born in the Stormreaver Fort under the rule of Grishnak. At first it was thought he might have the Gift of the Bludgod and learn to harness the Majuk, but his skill was found wanting. Unable to gain respect as a warrior, and unable to learn the secret of Majuk, Pog was a semi-outcast from the Clan. He would lurk about and, if the opportunity presented itself, rush out and stab an enemy while they were engaged with the bigger Orcs.

Pog continued to live a life apart from the Clan. Always on the outside, looking in. He would find himself wandering the paths of the forest around the Fort for hours, always alone. One day, as he was lurking in the shadows of the forest, he noticed another Orc walking along the path. Not wanting to be seen, Pog faded into the shadows. To his surprise, the Orc also vanished into the foilage. Moments later, however, Pog felt a dagger held to his throat and heard a hearty chuckle behind him. Thus Pog met Og'Din.

Og'Din spent many days teaching Pog the ways of walking unseen to the eyes of others. In time, Pog was able to walk unseen and stab from shadows with a rat coated pokah. With this ability, Pogs status in the Clan rose. Weaker than the mighty warriors, unable to master the Majuk, Pog still commanded respect with his ability to strike without being seen.

Pog is known as the Accursed because of a quarrel with a Majuk Orc. Xum'kurg cast a curse on Pog that stole Pog's voice. Pog is unable to speak or shout his battle cry. This inability to speak forces him to communicate in gestures. Xum'kurg died on the end of Pog's blade, but Pog still harbors a hatred of all things Majuk.

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