Parable of Humility

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Essays of Virtue - Part Three of Eight - By Halister Marner

A knight returning from a pilgrimage to the shrines of virtue passed a traveling monk of the virtues, as the knight neared, he turned to the monk and saluted him.

"Are you on a pilgrimage to the shrines brother monk?"

"No, I am not sir knight." The monk replied.

"I myself am completing my pilgrimage to the shrines of virtue; I have but to visit the shrine of humility to complete my pilgrimage! I feel imbued with the powers of the very principles themselves!" The knight said.

The old monk raised a brow, eyeing the boastful knight.

"Oh? And what did you learn from your pilgrimage?"

"I learned much of the virtues!" the knight exclaimed.

The monk smiled and cocked his head to the side.

"What of the virtues did you learn sir knight?" The monk stated.

"Well...that the virtues are strong, good monk!"

The monk replied "Did you not know that before?"

The knight stopped, a look of shock crossing his face.

"I...suppose I learned little, good monk..." he stated.

The monk smiled, and rested his arm on the knight’s shoulder. The monk then moved his mouth towards the stricken knight’s ear and whispered to him...

"And now you have visited humility."

True knowledge of virtue cannot be found by traveling the world, but by traveling ones self. A man who knows that he knows nothing, is a humble man.

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