Ninth Issue of The Hope

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August 20, Thursday

A report from The Lost Order of Akalabeth's Festival

Mine personal apologies for Lost Order of Akalabeth for not been able to join the festival, but for personal reasons I was unable attend this time. However Brimstone, founding father of Akalabeth, sent me a bit of information of the event. I think this shows that there is still many people with good faith and respect of Virtues in Britannia.

Everywhere one looked, there were celebrities, reporters, Senior Counselors, Counselors and Seer Darm graced our village with his presence as well. Xena Dragon managed to arrive too, and her reception went very well. Members of the United Blacksmiths of Britannia (UBB) were present, The outstanding Order of the Ebon Skull (OES) attended in force, The Clan du Marteau D'emeraude (CMD), The Saints of the True Covenant (STC), The Obsidian Order (OO), The Tiger Knights Battalion (TKB), Eternal Warriors (EW), Brotherhood of Crimson Knights (BCK) and on and on... guild representatives were everywhere. Some were fighting in the arena, others were discussing policital issues with their peers, other guilds were selling their wares, and some people simply stared in awe at the Seer and Counselors. Chief Ed also was there, taking notes for his Resource, Hitchhiker's Guide to Britannia. Truly, there was something for everyone!

Chef Attrael was the provider of the food and beverages for the festival. Without him, the event would not have been as huge of a success. He served over 80 people, all of which were stuffed throughout the evening. That is no small feat. Also helping with the festival was Leucothea (Hostess), Yosar (Waiter/Security), Keeshi(Security), Dawnstar (Guard/Security), Palehorse (Guard/Security), Dalyn (Host), and I am sure that others helped a lot as well, and I simply need to hear from our members as to who did what. To everyone who made this happen, I thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. Because of you, citizens of Britannia came together! Some new friendships were made, enemies settled their differences, warriors showed off their mettle, and wizards performed amazing spells for all to see.

Thou canst read more about the event at the Lost Order of Akalabeth's own paper.

-For more information go: The Lost Order of Akalabeth

About Roy the Blacksmith

This information might be rather olde, but I believe it still might be useful. It has come to mine attention that there is a new Blacksmith in Trinsic, by name of Roy. He seems to be a good friend of Sidney, the retired tinkerer, who lives in Trinsic too. According to Servantes, the man who told me all this information, Roy also told that Sidneys parents were victims of pirates called the Shadow Eye. As a close friend of mine hasth been a victim of pirates too, I feel symbathy towards Sidney, and I equally understand hatred he must have against those pirates.

He also spoke about his special looking armour, and told that he made it in his youth when he was more skilled. Not surprisingly many asked him to make an specially colored armour, but as he said he wasnt in his youths condition and was unable to make them anymore.


August 19, Wednesday

Reward for capturing Zog Cabal/Followers of Armageddon -member

"We are offering a reward for any members of the Followers of Armageddon who are captured and imprisoned at the Court of Truth in Yew.

The reward will include a substantial amount of gold, honor and glory, as well as the personal thanks of Lord British, himself. But only if they are alive. For dead members - nothing! We need to be able to question them. Therefore they are worthless unless living."

These art the words of Sir Duquelle published in the Town Cryer.

-For more information go: The Town Cryer

August 18, Tuesday

Beware of the Healer!

When Lord British declared the “Reputation Laws,” everybody knew trouble was bound to surface. Indeed, it has. Problems concerning the new laws have manifested in many ways. Mine own experiences have been those of the healer in Britain. Just walking down the street by the healer, ‘tis very common for one to see dead bodies, chopped up corpses, and citizens killing another. In fact, most people just walk by without batting an eye. I have found this to be most disturbing.


A few days a go, I returned to my beloved hometown of Britain after a long, unguided tour of Britannia. I first stopped at the Second Bank of Britain so I could take off my heavy armor and, for the first time in months, don my street clothes that have been safely locked away in a safe-deposit box. After relieving myself of that heavy burden, I headed to the Blue Boar to sit for a while and have some bread and wine. Upon arrival, I saw two of mine old friends, Jasper and Marsek. We sat and talked of old times for a while, when the subject of Lord British’s “Reputation Laws” came up.

Having been in wilderness since soon after the laws were passed, I was not aware of the many problems people encountered due to the new laws. Apparently there have been many complaints, none of which directly affected me, though. Marsek did, however, mention one very disturbing occurrence. It is what some call “Healer Murderers.” Citizens of good standing are getting away with mass murders by waiting for temporary criminals to healed at the Britain healer! Naturally, I was curious, so I decided to take a walk up to the healer to the north.

When I arrived there, the sight was most appalling. No sooner did I cross the main gate into the northern portion of Britain, did the stench of rotting corpses hit me. The smell was worse than a camp of slaughtered orcs! Everywhere I looked, I saw dead bodies, dissected corpses, and so-called warriors murdering newly-resurrected, barely living, totally defenseless people! I could not believe mine eyes! As I stood there and gazed upon the bloodbath, others simply walked around the corpses and murderers without saying a word, or even looking twice. The worst part is there was a guard standing there watching the massacre. When I approached the guard about it, he simply responded with, “They are killing, so I do not concern myself with the matter.”

I managed to pull one of the so-called criminals aside to chat with him before he was murdered again. The man was not a criminal at all, in fact. He was just a victim of the system.

“I was standing outside the ‘ealer after spendin’ three days up in the mines, mindin’ m’ own business, when a rogue stole m’ ingots! Well, I’ll be damned if I’m gonna lose three days’ work to some town pickpocket, so I went after him with m’ pickaxe. I chased that little rat around this building for a long time, until ‘e finally stopped running. Someone else killed ‘im for me, so I felt around ‘is pockets for m’ ingots. It was too late for me to see that, for some reason, ‘e was no longer a criminal, so the guards attacked me for trying to take what is rightfully mine! Now I ‘ave these crazies tryin’ to kill me…” Then he was attacked again, in mid-sentence.

‘Tis a sad day indeed that mass murderers can do their deeds in town, in front of a healer, no less, and not only get away with it, but do it right in front of the eyes of a guard. Maybe in the future, Lord British will address this issue, but for now, hold thy nose when walking past the healer.

-Marius of Britain

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