Minion of Arogothias Part 2

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Minion of Arogothias Part 11 by Wren Hapswill

... must have startled them, I was able to take down one of them before they turned they're dark magics on me. I was stagered by the energies that engulfed me, and nearly blacked out. Thankfully Krythan arrived at just that moment, distarcting them long enough for me to aply a bandage to myself. As soon as I was able I came to his side and together we held them till reinforcements could help us destroy them.

We looked around us at the carnage, and decaying bone and flesh that was left from the battle, then said thanks to the Gods that none of our comrades had fallen. Someone made an offer of buying a round, when that hollow laughter began anew, and the Lich Lord appeared among us. No praise of Arogothias did he speak to us this time. Dark words of power were all that came from his lips. He attacked with a fury of spells and hatred. Then before we could close with him, he disappeared, only to reappear somewhere else among us. This went for some time, he'd appear among us cast a few spells then disappear, fore we could close. All the while laughing at our attempts to destroy him. Finally he made a mistake that was his undoing. He appeared before me, his back was to me, and while not very sporting I admit. I hit him as hard as I could. He turned to me in a rage, and the last thing I remember was, him pointing a finger at me as my friends closed on him, then everything went black. There is much more to this story, but that is all I care to write at this time.

Look for further tales of that night in the future. As this is was only a small part of all that went on.

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