Laws of Sanctus

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Section I: Civil Rights

Citizens have the right to obey the King's words and decrees.

Any Law Enforcement Official has the Absolute Right to take Any Necessary steps, for the sake of Public Safety, in order to Keep a Safe Environment for all citizens of Sanctus

Section II: Punitive Articles

Article I: Arson

Any person who burns another's property is guilty of Arson- Remedy at Law

Article II: Assault

A.)Any person who strikes or harms another is guilty of assault-Remedy at Law B.)Maiming- the scaring or disfiguring of another-remedy at law

Article III: Murder

Any person who kills another is guilty of murder- Remedy at Equity. Assassination is the killing of a Royal, Noble or person of person of political title and is also a remedy at equity

Article IV: Theft

The Taking of anthing that does not belong to a person by any means. Remedy at Law

Article V: Perjury

The Lying or telling falses to a member of law enforcement concerning an investigation or law matter.- Remedy at Law

Article VI: Disorderly Conduct

- Any person who breaches the public peace and decency is guilty of disorderly conduct. --Remedy at Law

Article VII: Banned substances Offenses

-Substances banned--

- Black rock - Necromancy regents - utopia powder - Altered nightshade for the purpose of smoking

- Any person who unlawfully sales or manufactures Banned substances is guilty of banned substance trafficking.--

- Any person who unlawfully possesses and uses Banned substances is guilty of banned substance possession.

-Both offenses are Remedies at Law

Article VIII: Treason and Mutiny

- Any person who attempts the act to overthrow the government of Sanctus is guilty of Treason-Remedy at Equity

- Any person who attempts the act in rebelling against a higher authority is guilty of mutiny. Mutiny can only be tried on a military level against enlisted persons.-Remedy at Equity

Article IX: Conspiracy

-Any attempt to commit a crime is guilty of Conspiracy to commit the crime. - any person who assists in the planning, commiting or hiding of a crime is guilty of conspiracy to commit the crime.-same punishment as the crime itself

Article X: Obstruction

- Any person who does or attempts to interfere with law enforcement officials who are performing their duties is guilty of obstruction.--Remedy at Law

Article XI: Resisting Arrest

- Any person who resists any form of arrest by a law enforcement official is guilty of resisting arrest.--Remedy at Law

Article XII: Mountable Animals inside Structures

- Any person who rides a mountable animal(horses, llamas, dragons, etc.) is guilty of riding a mount into a Sanctus structure - Remedy at Law

Article XIII: Wearing forbidden articles of clothing

-forbidden articles-

-hooded shrouds

- Any person who wears an article of clothing that covers the face such as hooded shrouds is guilty of wearing forbidden articles of clothing.-

Article XIV: Use of Forbidden Magic Spells

- The use of these spells in an unvirtuous manner --Remedy at Equity ---Spells prohibited with in the city limits--- (AS PER THE KING) The following spells are forbidden:

1. Any necromantic spell, as well as Summon Daemon and Summon Fiend.

2. Any and all spells cast upon another with the intent to harm are illegal, with the exceptions of self defense and use by Sanctus authorities.

Article XV: Brandishing a weapon

-any person who publicly yeilds a weapon in Hanses's Hostel, The Castle Blackguard, The Law Enforcement Headquarters or Within Site of a noble, royal or person of ploitical title is guilty of Brandishing a weapon- Remedy at Law

Article XVI: Theft of Live Stock

-any person who unlawfully takes, kills, or maims another's steed, cattle, or pet is guilty of Theft of livestock.Remedy at Law and will usually include the replacement cost of the animal including the amount needed to bond(if the killed pet was bonded) and food needed to bond the pet.

Article XVII: Abandonment

-Any person whom may have the ability to assist, heal, or resurect a fellow member or citizen of Sanctus, and does not do so is guilty of Abandonment. --Remedy at Equity by the High Council of Sanctus

Article XVIII: Unvirtueous Behavior

-- Any and all unvirtous behavior that is considered to be distasteful and is not listed above or in a decree of the King.

Section III: Rights of Offenders of Sanctus Law

--All offenders ARE Guilty until Proven Innocent

--If an offender does not agree with a punishment or charge they may appeal to the Lord Chancellor. They must carry out their sentence in the mean time until their appeal is heard.

Section IV: Definitions

-Remedy at Law- Punishment handed out by the Cheif Justice, Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff on the spot -Remdey at Equity-Punishment depending on the court system(judge)

Written By Cheif Justice Ayasha Donella Sheriff Malic M'real Deputy Sheriff Hugh Bracken Submitted to King Talon Skyfire for Final Approval this 4th of January in the year 2007.

When no Law enforcement is present, the military assumes that responsibility. They are then known as the law enforcement authority.

If a crime is committed, The Military is not to handle domestic issues, such as law enforcement, unless one of the following occurs:

1) No Law Enforcement Personnel are present. In which case, any member of the Sanctus military holds arrest powers under these conditions. Citizens may not make arrest unless law enforcement and military are not available.

2) Regardless of circumstance or position, you are to act upon the orders of the nobles or Royal family. Their word is law.

Further more, under any investigation, The law enforcement have the right to summon any member, civil or Military, by use of Summons with a signed approval of a superior officer of the individual in question. Under a summons, your rank is temporarily suspended until the end of the investigation and you must cooperate with the investigating officer in order to be returned to active status.

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