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Title: Kalevala

Author: Josens

I am driven by my longing, And my understanding urges That I should commence my singing, And begin my recitation. I will sing the people's legends, And the ballads of the nation. To my mouth the words are flowing, And the words are gently falling, Quickly as my tongue can shape them, And between my teeth emerging....

Let us clasp our hands together, Let us interlock our fingers; Let us sing a cheerful measure, Let us use our best endeavours, While our dear ones hearken to us, And our loved ones are instructed, While the young ones are standing round us, Of the rising generation, Let them learn the words of magic, And recall our songs and legends, Of the belt of Väinämöinen, Of the forge of Ilmarinen, And of Kaukomieli's swordpoint, And of Joukahainen's crossbow: Of the utmost bounds of Pohja, And of Kalevala's wide heathlands.

  • Page torn*

Where he sat with wind blowing;

  • missing section*

Then the aged Väinämöinen Went upon his journey singing, Sailing in his boat of copper, In his vessel made of copper, Sailed away to loftier regions, To the land beneath the heavens. There he rested with his vessel, Rested weary, with his vessel, But his kantele he left us, Left his charming harp in Suomi, For his people's lasting pleasure, Mighty songs for Suomi's children.

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