How to Roleplay an Elf in general

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Do keep in mind that Guilds may vary on certain characteristics and tailor their race, religion, beliefs in a different manner than posted. What is posted here is what the community sees as a normal everyday elf should be like that would be unguilded and new to the world.


1. Elves are elegant and beautiful creatures. They are always well-dressed, well-groomed, neat, and clean. Some elves are more taken with their own good looks than others. Elves are fair to medium skinned and do not have facial hair.

2. Elves have lifespans that cover many centuries. Some elves may even be immune to disease and death by natural means. Note however, that if your elf character is 3000 years old, you as the player need to do your research in order to make your character seem believable... simply putting it in your profile does not accomplish this!

3. Elvish culture is refined and sophisticated. In general, elves look down upon all other races as having lesser, soemwhat barbaric cultures. This attitude can range from amusement, to easy tolerance, to outright disdain and arrogance. Elves live in a variety of places, from trees to caves to cities, but always their dewllings are of surpassing beauty and posess a strong element of naturalistic design, as if the buildings grew into their shape rather than having been built.

4. All elves are spiritual beings and are deeply contected to the natural world. When they die, they remain a part of the world, perhaps to be reborn again. Humans, by contrast, pass beyond the world with their deaths and into the realm of the gods. Elves take love and other emotions very seriously. Also, elves believe in equality of genders within their own race.

5. All elves possess an innate potential for a spiritual connection with nature and magic. An elf's actual profficiency at such skills depends upon their education and training.

6. As they are a part of the world, elves feel they are caretakers of the world. How the individual elf expresses this depends upon their specific culture and upbringing. Because of this, they do not kill for fun or enjoyment and typcially abhor evil beings that are not part of the natural world (daemons, undead, orcs, drow, etc.).

7. Elves have great respect for their deities, however, deities are rarely seen acting on the material world. You may invoke the name of your god or goddess to give you strength/valor/courage, but invoking the god itself is rarely if ever seen. Gods and goddesses have to deliberate and discuss the matter of altering anything in the material world, so as you can see, its almost impossible to summon a god

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