History of the Regency

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The citizens and the Lord and Lady Vassals of Lord British had not heard from the King in ages. Many theories were circulating...Lord British was dead, he was in hiding, even a popular theory that Lord British had been bitten by the wanderlust again and was exploring Ilshenar. Seeing the land under constant conflict and lacking the effective leadership to guide the loyal citizens, the most influential Lords and Ladies of Britannia chose a man to lead them and act in place of the absentee King. This man would be named as Regent, and the Loyalists would swear fealty to him as if he were their own King.

Unfortunately, no matter who the man was, not all of Britannia would accept his claim. Many powerful people would see this as their opportunity to break away from the crown. Many more would be unwilling to accept the Regent until he proved himself to them. Many others would refuse to accept another man as their leige until they knew for sure whether British still lived or not. Thus, even the nation of Britannia is fractured. The same forces available to Lord British are not available to the Regent. It is the goal of the Regency to prevent any further fracturing of the realm. The Regent lacks the military might of the King, so his only hope to keep the realm from being ripped apart completely is if his loyal vassals can muster the troops necessary to defend the nation. The Regent understands his best chance to secure allies is to not make many enemies. Thus, he is a big proponent of diplomacy and working with the other Lords and Ladies of Sosaria in order to help keep safe the glorious realm of Britannia he has been charged to protect.

Since our formation, there have been many Regents elected and placed in the Governor-Regent's seat. All of them were great, fair-handed, wise and honorable citizens of our realm. We are all have a part to play in the Regency. We welcome all who believe in the Virtues and want a part in the governing of our land for the glory of our Lord British's Kingdom. We will protect against any who try to tear that down.

Virtue and Truth is ours! Long live the Governor-Regent! Long live the Regency!

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