History of Leshok

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History of Leshok by Beowulf Thormear

Leshok Majere

The story of my life is one full with happiness and sorrow, action and rest, turmoil and peace. Many moments of my life, are one would say, not worth mentioning, through the eight decades of my current life, I've experienced alot, and shall do what I can to make my story, easy to read. My life seems to have flowed through like chapters, thus I shall make my writings with them.

Chapter One: My parents.

Many take pride in their upbringing, though I can not. My mother, whose name escapes me to this day, was an elven maiden of great beauty and poise. My father, Callen Illied a human void of conscience and honor. My father was a man who lived his life in a bottle or with dice in his hands, never knowing honest living, or honest life. One day my mother went to the market at Minoc, where Callen laid eyes on her and lusted. In the woods he jumped her, drug her off to his cabin, where he enslaved her and raped her. It wasn't long before she became pregnant with myself, though by then her spirit had been broken under the hand of the man who sired me. I was born into this world, into the house of a rapist, who by reasons still not know, never laid a hand on myself. I was nearing the age of five when my father collected a gambling debt there was only one way to pay. The brigands came to our cabin, stabbed my father in the back, then drug me away to sell as a slave. They went to have their way with my mother, but seeing me gone, she quickly ended her own life.

Chapter Two: Slavery.

The next nearly thirty years of my life where spent in a slave camp, laboring, chopping trees. My captures cut the tips of my ears to hide my elven heritage, fearing I would draw attention. Many beatings and hardships I had recieved at their hands, which led to the scars I bare today. My spirit broken, my body beaten, I simply existed to move and remain in motion. One would be amazed at how years can just disapear when in dispair, it is truely amazing. All of this changed the day I met the man I truely call brother, a new slave named Dekkan Demise. There was naught they could do to break this man's spirit, let alone body. It would take many slavers to administor beatings just to him they learned, after he strangled one to death with his own whip. Many nights we would lay awake, him telling me of the world outside these walls, and free life. Slowly, but surely, his friendship breathed will back into my heart and soul, and I wanted to live. The night we planned our escape, we became blood brothers cutting our hands and mixing our blood and vowing never ending loyalty to another. Escape seemed easier than ever thought, though it was the first time I ever killed another living being, it bothered me not. Even blood washes away in a mountain spring during your first breathe of free air.

Chapter 3: Learning to live.

I traveled with Dekkan to search for his family which had been split and scattered. We found his brother Nathaniel and the three of us began to make our way, working as mercanaries and adventure seekers. The brothers Demise taught me how to fight, and how to live, for this I will be ever grateful, and never forget them. The brothers, the remenants of some race near gone, aged even slower than I and our travels lasted long together. I swore then to not follow my fathers path, never would I be a drunk, never would I disrespect women, never would I live a life not worth living. The followings years with Dekkan and Nathaniel were good years, filled with friendship and excitement, we were young, able and full of life. Many others did we meet that traveled with us, the smith turned warrior Sir Vince DeGalo, and a man swords man named Ashton Sith. The brothers then gave me the surname I carry to this day "Majere" which in their tongue means "scarred one".

Chapter four, ways parted, refound, and a purpose to fight.

After time, we all split our ways to find our paths in life, and that is when I discovered my first home, the place where I truely grew into the man I am today, Stormhaven. I was brought into the Kingdom and at first squired under a man named Bowen, who wanted to teach me the way of a paladin. I learned nothing from him except the reward of loyalty to crown and country. When Bowen left, taking many knights with him, I stayed in Stormhaven, not agreeing on his reasons to leave. Chapter five: the true birth of Leshok Majere.

Staying with Stormhaven, was the greatest choice I ever made. I became squire to Lord Kallianos, a most wise and good man, and Lord Paladin of the Kingdom. How I miss my mentor, the man who showed me the way of Virtue, who made me question everything, and then accept it. I began my squireship and it wasn't long before my old companions found me, Dekkan, Vince, and Nathaniel all joined into the Kingdom to serve as well. These were the best years of my life where I met the man I call father now, Morus McStravick, my king, and my friend. There I met Lady Desera, I humble woman of dark complection and haunted past, who had lost her memory and voice. She was my dearest friend, and first love, never will she be forgotten. I prospered in Stormhaven, growing into the man I am now, learning of Virtue, being taught how to better read and write. In our years of absence, Dekkan had become a fighter of near legendary skill, in his first battle for the kingdom, slaying five orcs alone. He showed me how to fight, and Morus and Kallianos showed me whats worth fighting for.

Too many happy and sad memories surround my days in Stormhaven, I could not relate them all if I wished. How I miss her Stormhaven, may her memory always be grand. The day the orcs burned her to the ground, part of me died, but that part will remain with me forever.

Chapter Six: The new way, the path of Justice.

After the fall of Stormhaven, I was taken in by Vaen Swiftar and his Legion of Justice. Vaen has been and continues to be a noble leader and grand friend. I have found home here with the Legion and look forward to the future. Another has captured my heart, the gentle Lady Labelle, a paladin whose quiet and gentle nature brings a smile to my face every moment in her company. This is where my story does nay end, but my writing does. The future is open to me, and I try to live life to its fullest, as I hope you do reader. Walk in light.

-Leshok Majere

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