Guide to Lycanthopy (Werewolfs)

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Guide to Lycanthopy by Lucus of OES

Greetings, wandering traveler! Welcome to the Halls of Lycanthropy. The only reason ye be here is to learn of this knowledge, I presume. Very well, I shall tell ye what ye must do to become one of the Night. Mind ye though, do not expect these traits to come easily; it takes perseverance and hard work and a profound devotion to the Darkness which grants ye these gifts. Tread lightly, for there are many things here which are best left undisturbed...

The key to make the people around ye to view ye as a werewolf or something of the like is all in yer actions and speech. How ye conduct yerself will be how people view ye. To do this more easily, I suggest that ye develop a background or history for yerself and write it up on a parchment. Have things in it which might explain why ye act the way ye do. Say, perhaps that ye have a limp in human form, or a certain style or color of hair; incorporate something that will make ye unique.

When entering an area, let us say perhaps a player run tavern, before going into the area, polymorph into a wolf. Run up and start snarling at the customers, chewing on a bone or whatnot. Let them know by yer actions and speech what ye are. Below I will give a typical example of what ye should generally act like when entering a tavern area:

Lucus: Vas Ylem Rel polymorphs into a wolf and runs into a tavern area, snarling at the patrons.

Barkeep: Hmm... a most interesting visitor indeed, would ye care for a strip of meat?

Patrons: look at the large wolf dubiously.

Barkeep: throws a piece of meat to the wolf.

Lucus: My thanks mortal, I shall spare thine life and those of thine customers... for now. bares fangs, then bends down to devour the meat. polymorph wears off. morphs back into human form and plunks himself down on a bar stool. Blast! Cursed light, alas I cannot hold my true form very long in it. curses.

Barkeep: I see... well, welcome to our humble tavern, sir...

Lucus: nods. Off with ye to fetch me some more venison. Changing forms drains my strength... quick now!

Barkeep: bustles around in the back looking frantically for more meat. Finds and hands the meat to Lucus, a bit frightened, eyeing his massive hands and upper torso.

Lucus: Gads, I want fresh meat, man! Bring me some, or I will take it from yer own body!

Patrons: eye him again, moving farther to the back of the room.

Lucus: Bah! I have fed. Yer lucky this eve, fear not for you life. I shall be off, yer company makes me ill. looks around in disgust.

Lucus: Vas Ylem Rel polymorphs into a great white wolf. Jumping on the table and spilling everyone's ale, the wolf leaps through an open window.

Barkeep: shudders. I do not like the looks of that one...

As you can see, a situation like this is highly unlikely, but that is what it would look like if everyone role-played their characters. Sadly, this is not the case. Even when confronted with "k3wl d3wds," stay in character, and if slain by them fret not. Possessions are possessions and can be reclaimed.

Another important thing to do is to incorporate a weakness into your facade somehow. We all have them, or should; we can be slain, but not easily. Do not make it very obvious; have it something which ye can keep somewhat of a secret. Perhaps you're vulnerable to certain metals (silver is an obvious choice here, but not the only possibility), or you cannot wield anything but a scimitar. Come up with something that will fit into your style, I guarantee it'll add much more spice to the experience.


Skill wise, an ideal werewolf would have high Magery, Tactics, Taming (perhaps), melee skill, and Evaluating Intelligence. Even if you don't have this exact combination, adapt what you have. Polymorphing, while a nice touch to your persona, is not everyone can do on a whim. It it is merely for appearances and you do not need it, just create vivid pictures through your speech.

Taken from the tomes of the Order of the Ebon Skull website.

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