Dealthagars Proclamation

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Dealthagar's Proclamation on the Regency

The virtue of Honesty forces me to speak up.

Lord British is gone, nor will he ever return.

His throne is cold. His castle dark.

Now is the time to find a new King. A king that will lead us into a new age of virtue and enlightenment.

The Regency is doomed to failure by its basic premise. To rule the lands in the name of Lord British until he returns.

Hope may spring eternal, but eventually one must break bread with the reality they live in. Lord British was a good king. And now he is gone.

Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi!

Kronos has stepped forward out of the void of indecision, out of the shadows of despair, and out of the fog of unsurity. He has stepped forward to unite and lead the forces of Light to face the coming storm.

He is my anchor in these times of trouble.
He is my rock in a world of instability.
He is my light in these times of darkness.

He is my king.

Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi!

Originally Post Date: 2003

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