Codex of Nizar

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Codex of Nizar by Nizar

"Those who follow me on their knees shall know power eternal"

For my children shall look upon me, and draw from mine power the strength they need to grant life unto themselves. In servitude shall they be free, in freedom shall they know servitude unto mine self and unto the might of Oblivion. In mine eyes shall burn the fires that will scorch the earth free from those who do not follow the way of Oblivion, for the weak are the worst of the traitors.

They commit treachery unto themselves and unto their brothers, yet more treachery do they conceive in their weakness! They commit treachery against the power of Oblivion, for in his children our Father of Nothing seeks to empower the weak! To turn aside from Our Father is to revel in thine weakness, and commit heresy.

"Let those who seek power, keep it only for themselves"

Mine children shall know that to covet true power is to walk the ranks of Oblivions favored children. To grant your own strength to those of the weak is folly, for the weak cannot be made strong whilst they languish as Unbelievers. My children shall cast aside all though for the weak, and leave them to rot within the grave they dig for themselves.

Sacrifice shall my children make only unto me, for I alone can grant them the Power to become the strongest of all beings, and through only me shall they know true strength.

"Let only mine children know the truth, and all others only lies"

Oblivion is all knowing, and his children shall blessed with the secrets of the Void. Those who turn aside from the True Path in their weakness shall be told nothing but lies, for they shall never know the truth of Oblivion's gift to his Children. Deceit shall be the tool of my children to keep the weak ignorant of the ways and secrets of Oblivion. For I alone can grant them the Power to become the wisest of all beings, and through only me shall they know truth.

"Those who turn aside from Me, are worthy of nothing but hatred and destruction"

Mine children shall reward those who refuse to see the true path and the wisdom of Oblivion with nothing but loathing and destruction. For if the weak shall not embrace the strength I offer, then they are no more worthy than the flea that bites the dogs hide. My Children shall despise all those who will not follow the true way,

"My Children shall look upon my power and be proud of their servitude"

Mine children shall know that only the weak turn aside from pride. For pride is the reward granted to us by Our Father Oblivion, none but the unworthy shall seek to avoid their pride, for it is that alone which marks them as my faithful, and my chosen.

My children shall embrace Pride of their position at my feet.

"He who knows shame shall be cast out of my flock he is the weak of the world"

Mine children shall take no shame in their actions, for their actions are for my glory. Shaming themselves is to shame me, and that is to tread the path of the weak. Let those who are strong feel strong, and not to hang their tails between their legs like some foolish hound.

Shame is for the weak, and they alone embrace it. "There is nothing after death but Oblivion, all other thoughts are heresies!"

Mine children shall know that to exist after death is possible only through the Gift of Oblivion, for there is nothing but the Void beyond the mortal realms. Belief in an afterlife is heretical, and shall be met with fire and flame to cull the weak from the herd.

Death is the end, Oblivion is the Master of all.

"The weak must be culled to make room for the strong, thus shall it be done"

Mine Children shall know that the weak exist only through their own cowardice, and to slay them is to send them unto Oblivion for absolution. The weak must be culled or shown the strength of Oblivion whenever they are met - the wolf shall be the slayer of the lamb. Mercy shall be shown to none whom embrace weakness.

"The only Judge is Oblivion, only his will is the lawful path"

Mine children shall not follow the laws of the weak, for only Oblivion knows the true laws, and his children shall follow him in all things. Justice is a concept for those who seek to embrace Oblivion, and with the laws of Oblivion alone shall this weakness be broken.

Justice to Oblivion is all that shall concern my children.

"Let those who have courage look upon me and see the truth. Let all those who see the truth despair - for I alone shall decide what is right or wrong!"

My Children shall gather unto me all those who seek to follow the path of weakness, for they shall be shown the truth before their destruction. The worthy shall be rewarded with Oblivion's Gift, and the weak shall know naught but his wrath. Let those who seek to Embrace Oblivion and turn their weakness to strength know the trinity of Oblivion -

I - The weak shall be made strong through following my command, and obeying my wishes.

II - Blood and Fire shall purge the weak.

III - Only the worthy shall know the truth, and only the truth shall be worthy.

This is the way of Oblivion, and it is the one true path to strength that the weak may travel.

Ost lantrashan sarakthag ust^nothangk. Jukag'nak osteng thrathis mallak^than Grath'akl cirithk K'lakthg ost sarathakn.

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