=A Short History of the Hand of Humanis=
=The Order of Ashes=
The Order of Ashes began at the dawn of Trammel many years ago. It was a group formed by a disenchanted young man named Isk who noticed an abundance of elves in a town he happened to enter by accident. The town was called Rivendal and it sat just outside Sosaria’s capital city, Britain. Isk was shocked at the happenings in the neutral city. He believed that an elven cultural center so close to the capital would lead to a mixing of cultures whereby the elves with their eternal age would end up running Human society. Thus the Order of Ashes made war on Khyl’Dran’s elves seeing support from Chazmyr’s Drow armies. The army of the Order of Ashes rose to a dozen men but it failed to gain significant allies. After a series of skirmishes one of the Drow in the Order of Ashes, a creature named Tak took advantage of the state of war to go on a killing spree thus ending the Order of Ashes. Isk considered quitting the realm but was recruited by GreyPawn and absorbed into the Moonglow Town Council.
Isk Founder of O^A
=The Sosarian Human Nation=
Almost one year later Khay’Thall, a good friend of Isk began the Sosarian Human Nation using Isk’s recruit book to form a belief system of Human superiority that depended on science and history for its argument. The new philosophy is written into “The Manifesto of the Human Nation.” After this event the Sosarian Human Nation grew to a meagre three members when Kaylem and Helseth joined. Kaylem becomes the Upholder of Humanity, Helseth becomes the first Purist while Khay’Thall becomes the “Arch Humanist” SHN held speeches in Minoc which was occupied by the Dwarves of Findar at the time. Conflict with Findar resulted in many draws. A need to gain allies forced the SHN to get closer to Moonglow. SHN settled on Buc’s Den and instituted a list of city laws which would later be imported by Cecil into Magincia.. Days later SHN and MTC formed a military alliance. GreyPawn begins to made idle threats on Buc’s Den. GreyPawn gets the sage of Justice to nullify the alliance between MTC and SHN. One week later MTC invades Buc’s Den thereby destroying the Sosarian Human Nation. Khay’Thall leaves a copy of the Manifesto of the Human Nation in occupied Buc’s Den which Isk picks up. Khay’Thall is banned from Buc’s Den and becomes a hermit in Sosaria’s Capital city.

Kaylem and Helseth smoothly enter MTC to help Isk in converting MTC into a humanistic organization. Initial moves fail and Kaylem exits the realm. Helseth resigns from the MTC and eventually disappears from the realm.
Khay'Thall Founder of SHN and author of the Manifesto of the Human nation.
=The Hand of Humanis=
Helseth The first Purist
Over the course of the next year Isk starts to preach the path of Human superiority. The Humanis Voice is formed giving the philosophy of human superiority a name “Humanis.” It takes a long while but eventually a guild called the Dark Souls run by Artero Kingston converts to the beliefs found in the Manifesto, it changes its name to the Hand of Humanis. Artero Kingston recruits competent believers and enters into a quick war with Stormhaven then Molly’s guild. When Isilmea and her brother are born the Hand of Humanis wars Khyl’Dran’s elves, often defeating them. Sensing that the Hand of Humanis has become stable enough for him Isk resigns from the Moonglow Town Council and joins the Hand of Humanis.

The need for a base drives the Hand of Humanis to push back Regency control of Magincia after the Ne’Sveti departed from the island. H-H causes an election to occur where Hector from Humanis goes up against Sara from Molly’s guild. Hector wins the election thereby starting the Humanis Republic of Magincia. Shortly after Artero is swayed out of Humanis by an elven ploy. Mark Randerstill takes over as the Herald of Humanis. Over the next few months Magincia gains a flag and becomes more politically minded and less aggressive. Secret alliances are made with the Dark Awakening and the Legion of Evil, noninterference pacts are made with a still strong MTC. A sudden plague breaks out in Magincia causing the Hand of Humanis to seek food from other cities. Great trains of food and goods come to Magincia from all over causing the first wide scale trade situation in Sosaria’s history. Isk suffers from the plague and presumably dies.
Mark Randerstill Defacto founder of the Hand of Humanis
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