Wars within a role playing Community

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(This is an Essay on the art of war in a roleplay community. It is presented to you now as it was presented then, with sound ideas and ancient references intact. Enjoy then this unique perspective from Atlantic's Roleplay history.) ____________________________________________

Wars within a role playing Community

Author: Beleth of the Order of the Ebon Skull

When one guild declares war on another within the community, a general set of rules is followed unless modified and agreed upon by bother Guild masters of guilds at war. In massive campaigns, it is easier to follow these rules then modify then as many guilds will be involved so change within the rules will cause confusion and the new rules can easily be broken as if ONE person within any of the guilds did not read the new set of rules, they can turn a fun event in a headache for everyone involved.

The following are the general rules to be followed by warring guilds within the community:

1. Weapons - Due to the new artifacts and the abundance of them there are no real restrictions unless deemed so by the guilds involved. (edited by Molly by a community consensus)

2. Armor - Due to the new artifacts and the abundance of them there are no real restrictions unless deemed so by the guilds involved. (edited by Molly by a community consensus)

3. Power scrolls of any type may be used on any character, as this cannot be controlled.

4. Potions are allowed, all types (including explosion) as they are easily obtainable and useable by all.

5. Pets and summoned creatures are allowed - With control slots having been implemented, pets and summoned creatures are basically balanced in the game and the tamer template should not be limited within the community. Tamers please note that pets will not be given mercy, if you are using them in a fight they will most likely be killed (and when bonded if they die they lose skills, remember this).

6. Mounts may be killed - this is role play preference, but we all know Orcs eat horses, so if you are knocked off your mount, or die… your mount may die as well (this goes for tamers too, so please do not ride a nightmare of fire steed into battle if you do not want to risk losing it).

7. All spells are allowed.

Now it is time to discuss common sense, we are a role playing community, out of character most of us are friends… so when in battle, ROLEPLAY. Do not get angry if you die or if your side loses, do not get angry if you are looted, do not get angry if the other side "cheated". This was meant to be fun, if problems occur report them to your Guild master (or the people leading the battle). If you are looted and do not use Forensic Identification on your corpse… do not even bother reporting it as nothing can be done. If you are looted and do use Forensic Identification on your corpse, take a screenshot so the name of the person is readily available if the Guild master of the guild with the looter in it requests it. Forensic Identification takes little to no skill to work, and is VERY useful.

If your guild decides to raid another guild with a lot of members on… give them a five minute warning so they KNOW it is coming. This is just common sense, if your guild is close out of character with the guild you are raiding, this may not be necessary, but in general it is more fun to have a semi-prepared enemy then a completely clueless enemy.

If your guild has captured a town, or is defending there land, do not Kill On Sight, KOSing is no fun for anyone involved, role play with the invader, if he is AFK or not responding either wait it out, or leave him be. If the person is there and refuses to leave… it is time to make him say oOoooOoo.

The MOST important thing of all is… DO NOT GOD MODE ROLEPLAY, if you God mode (IE: Are in Trammel in the city that is held by an enemy guild, yet you are not warred to them and they ask you to leave, DO SO.) Leaving a guild no options (as without war within a guard zone in Felucca, or anywhere in town, your enemy can do nothing to you, so role playing that they are scared to attack, or that "you are too strong to be taken prisoner or killed by these weak fools" is just WRONG).

All in all guys and girls, war is meant to be a fun thing for everyone involved. Winning or losing isn't the most important thing (though everyone prefers winning), the good guys may role play slayers of the Undead, or hunters of Orcs… but the evil side isn't always going to want to lose and the evil side may role play as oh I don't know, a powerful Daemon Lord (hehe) who has taken a major city and declared himself ruler of the world… but the good guys are not going to want to always lose. The outcome of major wars for land should based upon the guilds involved skill and strength, rules will be set beforehand and the winner is the winner. No sense getting angry because you lost. Oh, and finally before I end this essay or outline (call it what you will), please remember: scripted role play isn't as fun as the randomness of how events can change, scripted outcomes to wars and such make a war pointless, and no body wants to lose… but somebody will this is how it will always be, but telling someone they HAVE TO LOSE for the good of a plot you are trying to run makes that plot no fun for ANYONE involved (even the winners who KNEW the were going to win).

Thank you for reading this and I hope it helps people within any role playing community.

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