Unwritten Rules of Role Play

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Unwritten Rules of Role Play Author: Marie DeFrance Noob

There are some things in role play that many people take for granted, but I am discovering more and more need to be explained to those who are new to role-play.

1.) Never confuse in-character (IC) with out-of-character (OOC).

If you know something OOC keep it OOC. Do not ruin someone else's storyline by revealing it all for them just because they told you one day when you were talking OOC. Making your character suddenly "have a dream about it" or "just know" is unbelievable and a good way to get people to never want to RP with you.

2.) Do things they way you do in real life (RL).

Don't take your horse in people's houses. Don't stand on people. Don't use generic macros. (Vendor sell guards bank recsu recdu) Say please and thank you if you are playing a polite character and don't be mad if people don't help you if your are playing a rude one.

3.) Don't start spilling the beans on every aspect of your character as soon as you meet people.

There is something to be said for alittle mystery. Let people discover things IC. They don't have to know everything about your character to interact with them.

4.) Don't play a god.

Know-it-alls frustrate everyone. Having a character that can move mountains but can't in actual game mechanics is like role-playing a liar. Also RPing a god may tempt you to break guideline one (listed above). Besides, playing a person that is tossed upon the waves of their own fate is more fun that playing someone who can simply dispel the waves to a smooth pool. The fun is in the struggle for control, not in the control itself.

5.) Be wary of people's RL feelings.

Believe it or not, we all love our little pixilated versions of ourselves. Yes, it is just a game, but that does not mean RL people are not sitting behind the keyboard. If you are RPing an evil person, follow your agenda. Don't do things just to be mean. There is no reason to go out of your way to ruin someone else's RP experience. Evil character's have so many wonderful ways to add to the RP experience of everyone without making themselves a pest (after all there is no light without dark). Use your power wisely.

6.) Put clothes on your character.

One of my favorite RL quotes pertains to this: "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." - Mark Twain.

You don't run around naked in RL. Don't run around naked in UO, unless of course, you are a nudist. But even they wear clothes when they are with non-nudists.

7.) Roleplay, Roleplay, Roleplay...

Stay in character. Sometimes this is a pain. Especially when someone else is being annoying or you had big roleplay plans that are not working out as you desired.

If you are playing a lawful good character and you get angry in real life, go OOC, and kill someone else with him, use it to your RP advantage. Don't ask for a mulligan (re-do for all you golf illiterate people). We all make mistakes. The trick is to roll with the punches. Now you've got something to RP! A lawful good character who is a murder! Alright! I can feel the guilt from here.

Have fun out there! Marie DeFrance Noob

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