Thirty First Meeting of the Yew Council

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Thrawn says ok, let's begin
Thrawn says thank you all for coming
Thrawn says obviously, this is an important meeting, as a lot of things have changed recently
Thrawn says most notably.. some high ranking people resigning
Thrawn says Pyros, SunWolf, and Kail have all decided to move on

Krythan: *cough*

Thrawn says now, I hear a lot of whispering and what not
Thrawn says people saying Yew is falling apart
Thrawn says and the such
Thrawn says heck, someone was saying just that as I was walking in here today
Thrawn says so let me make a few things clear
Thrawn says for starters, the resignations of those people were not related to one another
Thrawn says I know Sun had been thinking of leaving for some time, and tried to resign
Thrawn says a few times before
Thrawn says Pyros is starting back with his studies and has grown tired of the world
Thrawn says and Kail.. well, seems his time has become limited as well
Thrawn says so there is not some big nasty underlying thing driving people away
Thrawn says and no, Yew is not falling apart at the seams
Thrawn says it is just undergoing some change
Thrawn says sometimes change might frighten people, but it happens
Thrawn says it has happened before in the past, and will happen in the future
Thrawn says there are lulls in action, lulls in activity, lulls in interest
Thrawn says but those who remain persist, those who leave are replaced, and the work continues
Thrawn says and what I hope to get out of these departures is a new sense of the citizens
Thrawn says a new sense that it is up to THEM to make things happen
Thrawn says everything should not be left to 3 or 4 people to always organize and run
Thrawn says that is where the burnout comes from.. trying to do too much alone
Thrawn says now, with that said, I'd like to open up a discussion of how people feel about
Thrawn says what has gone on recently.. any concerns or fears.. and any ideas for moving on...
Thrawn says as always, please raise your hand if you wish to speak
Thrawn says nobody?
LaLady says raises hand
Thrawn says LaLady
LaLady says does this mean the Yew area will become more active in RP. they got very lazy.
Anna says *frowns*
SunWolf says they were always active in rp
Thrawn says how do you define "lazy" ? not running around chasing Seers?
William Smit IV says Lazy?!
SunWolf says not in pvp rp or whateve ryou wish to call it
Vargen says *hand*
LaLady says no. seer quests is what i mean. they never try to make there own RP things
Thrawn says we had a rather large and successful week-long event about a month ago
Vargen says I think this would be a good time for my announcement then...
William Smit IV says Hate to interrupt, but I think she's referring to those ol' orc battles, etc.
LaLady says my Lord tryed to get everyone into a month or so long RP thing. but you nver even
LaLady says not the orc battles. something that involvs more than just killing others
Thrawn says what do you mean by "RP thing" that's rather a vague term?
Rabulkian says anything outside of just killing things
Rabulkian says i think thats what it means
SunWolf says lalady we are working one somethign big
LaLady says we where trying to get a large scale RP war with more than just fighting in it
SunWolf says which will last for several months
Thrawn says and this was initiated how?
LaLady says oh. now you tell us. you could have told us that when you refused our sevral month of
Thrawn says I'm curious how we were "lazy" about something I never even heard of
LaLady says we had it all ready too
LaLady says Pyros never told you?
SunWolf says lalady
Thrawn says nope
LaLady says figures
SunWolf says everytime i was told aobu tanything
SunWolf says was war the stones
SunWolf says we can't do that execpt at given notice
Thrawn says you mentioned it to Pyros, so that means we were lazy because nobody addressed it?
SunWolf says ahead of time
LaLady says Pyros said he told yall. im sorry if i missjudged it.
Thrawn says perhaps "your Lord" should find the proper channels and ways to get these messages
Thrawn says the attention they deserve
SunWolf says i already spoke to him
LaLady says well. that idea was scraped a week ago
Thrawn says if it is not suitable for a public message board, I am quite accessible in private
Vargen says *cough cough* Thrawn if may say a few words?
Thrawn says Vargen, yes go ahead
Vargen says first of all, I'd like to announce that at the next millitia meeting...
Vargen says there will be a ceremony for the induction of new members, and for promotions
Vargen says everyone is invited
Vargen says secondly...
Vargen says the state of warfare here in Trammel is quite different under the Hand of Virtue...
Vargen says than it was before in the old world.
Vargen says rather than argue about what's gone wrong...
Vargen says we should focus on ways to deal with the new situation
Vargen says I've got some ideas
Rabulkian says I think so
Vargen says but arguing about our current state of affairs is not productive
Vargen says that is all, unless you want my report on the faction wars now...
Dunedain says raises hand
Thrawn says hrmm, hold off on that for a moment please

Vargen: *nods*

Thrawn says thank you for the comments though, I agree, let's move on
Anna says *raises hand*
Thrawn says Dune?
Dunedain says in addition to what Vargen said
Dunedain says as soon as we can reorgainize the leadership
Dunedain says we have discussed plans for another rp war with the orcs
Dunedain says i have already contacted them about the possibility
Dunedain says we DO plan to heat things up around here again
Dunedain says please bear with uis as we work thru the reorganization
Dunedain says thanks
Thrawn says thank you, well said
Thrawn says Anna?
Anna says This is to Vargen. Would you like BTF to proivde some refreshemnst for your mee
Anna says We would be happy to.
Vargen says I would greatly appreciate it. I meant to speak with you afterwards....
Vargen says as our stone is currently in your castle
Anna says Consider it done then.
Thrawn says anybody else wish to comment on the current situation? or can we all agree...
LaLady says raises hand
Thrawn says that we will move ahead, learning from the past, and with enthusiasm for the future
Thrawn says yes LaLady?
LaLady says i would like to apologize if i made some rather rash comments
LaLady says i didnt know that you didnt know
Thrawn says apology accepted... I think you should make fewer assumptions however
SunWolf says . he si very active and very bored
SunWolf says sorry
LaLady says and does anyone know who is running the 16th caavan?
LaLady says err. caravan
Thrawn says I know Gwen here does a lot of the organization for that
Gwendolyn says aye :)
LaLady says can i talk to you after the meeting Gwen?
Gwendolyn says sure, or I can answer your questions now if you like
SunWolf says . how many others showed up with dedication
LaLady says after the meeting is perferable
Gwendolyn says ok
LaLady says thats all i hav to say.
Thrawn says okay
Thrawn says next
Thrawn says let me address some of the issues resulting from those who left
Thrawn says the Militia is in the process of electing a new Captain
Thrawn says and hope to have that done within the next week
Thrawn says for Militia members, if you haven't heard or read about the voting process
Thrawn says either speak to myself or Vargen, or visit the Militia messageboard forum
Thrawn says also, as Vargen indicated, promotions will be made within the Militia this week
Thrawn says I am currently keeping an eye open for a new Vice Mayor as well
Thrawn says and last but not least, we have a new Town Historian
Thrawn says Jander has accepted the position, and has already made some nice progress
SunWolf says anna where is you buddy
SunWolf says oh ok
SunWolf says jander rocks
Thrawn says we hope to have something posted this week showing some progress in
Anna says *smiles*

Tasarion: *hand*

Thrawn says his documenting of the Council's history
Thrawn says yes Tasarion?
Tasarion says whit the factions comming what faction will Yew support?
Thrawn says funny you should ask that
Vargen says that is to be decided
Thrawn says we will address that in a moment
Thrawn says please stand by
Tasarion says ok thank you
William Smit IV says *Raises hand*
Thrawn says one more thing on the positions available
Thrawn says we are still looking for a full time Event Coordinator
Thrawn says so if you're interested, let me know
Thrawn says yes Will?
William Smit IV says Never mind, I'll address it later.
Thrawn says okay
Thrawn says now, earlier this week, several members of Yew
Thrawn says ventured onto the shard where factions already exist
Thrawn says and I pass the floor to Vargen, who will sum up what we found there
Thrawn says go ahead Vargen
Vargen says for starters I would like to stress...
Vargen says that the shard in question has a history of being nothing but a bloodbath anyway

Tasarion: *hehe*

Vargen says so judging the final situation is not quite possible...
Vargen says but I did seem to get a good feel for the mechanics of warfare
Vargen says the fighting was fairly straightforward...
Vargen says the True Britannians faction was fairly disorganized...
Vargen says so it was pretty much chaos
Vargen says but the other options outside of the straight combat were most interesting...
Vargen says Tinkers had made several booby traps and placed them about the town...
Vargen says though I didn't get to see any in action
Vargen says what I did fool around with was the creation of faction items

William Smit IV: *Raises hand once more*

Vargen says by using silver, the faction currency...
Vargen says you can craft some nice colored armor and weapons
Vargen says which are blessed, I believe for 3 weeks
Vargen says comes in quite handy both in the war and against monsters
Vargen says these items can only be crafted in the NPC shops of the appropriate type...
Vargen says which means Yew will be a less-valuable target, having no forge
Vargen says and hopefully easier to hold onto
Vargen says Will?
William Smit IV says Yes, well, that all sounds fun and exciting to me, but isn't it all going to be in Fel?
Vargen says yes, your point?
William Smit IV says Every right-minded role-player considers Trammel their home...Not much sense in going
LaLady says *hand*
William Smit IV says to Fel all the time fighting in Factions, when your home is Tram.
Vargen says are you saying there's something wrong with my mind?
William Smit IV says But there are exceptions, of course.

Thrawn: *chuckles*

William Smit IV says Yes.
Vargen says at any rate, there is more to that line of thinking
Vargen says you see, the faction wars are all that is keeping Minax busy...
Vargen says too busy to breach the Hand of Virtue and invade this world
Vargen says in order to protect this one, we must make an effort to keep her busy
William Smit IV says Hand of Virtue?
Vargen says the force that prevents hostile action here
William Smit IV says ... Why not Foot?
Vargen says (that's what they call it in the UO2 fiction, so I'm using it here)
William Smit IV says Well, I understand what it is at least.
William Smit IV says Okay, I'm done...
Thrawn says LaLady?
LaLady says the one thing I have noticed while doing factions
LaLady says was that Most PvP was well, with factions
LaLady says I rarely saw reds
LaLady says when I did
LaLady says they were being hunted
Tasarion says wathat is because reds can now murder and plunder while being blue
LaLady says not by a few people
LaLady says but by many members of factions
Vargen says they are not murderers, they are soldiers. there's a difference
LaLady says and the sstanze that the BlackWinds are looking into
LaLady says is that they plan to be a part of the ShadowLords
Thrawn says also, one thing to consider I think
Thrawn says with the "test" shard....
Thrawn says that contains players from ALL other shards combined
LaLady says true
Thrawn says so the numbers there might (and associated exponential chaos) is inflated
LaLady says more confussion there

Vargen: *nods*

Thrawn says we really won't know how much interest there is here until we see it in action
Vargen says you don't have the big guilds like LOA and LLTS on the test shard...
Vargen says which makes a big difference
LaLady says also, anyone know when they will have the faction stones working again?
LaLady says I have tried to join for the past few days
LaLady says and no luck
Vargen says my guess is early this week
Vargen says the current situation has been lengthened by the weekend

Thrawn: *nods*

Thrawn says anything else Vargen?
Vargen says not at this time...
Thrawn says okay, thank you for the report
Vargen says though I would caution people against...
Vargen says joining Lord British on test
Vargen says it seems that every random joe joins up with them...
Vargen says and they're less organized than the others
Vargen says that is all
Thrawn says thank you
Thrawn says anybody else have anything to add about anything?
Gwendolyn says *raises hand*
Thrawn says Gwen
Gwendolyn says I'd just like to give a reminder about the Trade Caravan which will be taking
Gwendolyn says place next Saturday, 9/16.
Gwendolyn says Groups from Yew, Minoc, and Britain will be travelling separately to the
Gwendolyn says Shrine of Compassion.
Gwendolyn says Everyone is to meet there at 5:30 pm eastern time.
Darkrider says where?
Gwendolyn says the Shrine of Compassion
Vargen says the shrine in the deasert

: Gwendolyn says aye
: William Smit IV says Desert?!
: SunWolf says yew will have to have
: SunWolf says some warriors
: SunWolf says it is a hard journey there at times
: Gwendolyn says *nods*
: Darkrider says i will try to find it
: SunWolf says dark you will be i a group
: SunWolf says aroudn 4:30
: SunWolf says in abbey
: Thrawn says anybody else?
: Anna says *raises hand*
: Thrawn says Anna?
: Anna says There seem to be a band of Pirates who have moved in next door to the school.
: William Smit IV says Aye!
: Anna says William had a run in with them yesterday.
: Thrawn says oh really? hrmm
: Anna says *looks at William*
: William Smit IV says *Kisses his bruises*
: LaLady says heheh
: Thrawn says what were their names?
: William Smit IV says Foul pirates!
: William Smit IV says Oh, they're not hard to recognize....
: William Smit IV says Their guild abbreviations are PoP.
: William Smit IV says And they look like...Pirates...!
: Thrawn says hrmmm
: William Smit IV says Watch out for them! They're scoundrels!
: Thrawn says okay, well thank you for the warning.. we'll keep an eye out for them
: Anna says I herd one of them yesterday,,,,, say....
: Anna says May the Virtues and Justice be damned.
: Rabulkian says !
: Thrawn says he probably drank too much grog
: Anna says William can confirm that as well.
: William Smit IV says Aye, he did!
: Thrawn says if they become a nuisance, perhaps we can send some Militia there to quiet them down
: William Smit IV says He was in not a stuporous state... I used to consume a lot of...beverages...I know....
: William Smit IV says Er--not in
: Anna says I just worry due to they are right tnext door to school.
: SunWolf says i was forming a navy to deal with the pirates
: LaLady says The Duke ha expressed an intrest in the School
: SunWolf says i heeard they were ocming sometime ago
: LaLady says his Knights will not allow Pirates to harm any of the students
: LaLady says or staff
: Anna says *feels a little better*
: William Smit IV says Also, a Pirate told me that if the Yew Militia comes to their land, they won't abide
: William Smit IV says by their laws.
: William Smit IV says Or any other man's...
: William Smit IV says Even though, there house is in Yew jurisdiction, I think.
: Vargen says we'll keep clear of Buccaneer's Den then...
Vargen: *grin*
: Thrawn says thanks for bringing it to our attention, just ask for protection if you need it
: Thrawn says anybody have anything else? I'd like to wrap things up for today
: Thrawn says anybody?
: Vargen says if any millitia members could stick around...
: LaLady says I need to speak with Gwen before I go
: LaLady says in private
: Vargen says with so many of us here we should use the opportunity to get organized...
: Thrawn says okay then, thank you all for coming to the meeting, have a nice day
: Thrawn says Militia please stick around
: Anna says Thank you Mayor.
: SunWolf says i must be off all it is nice seien gyou all again

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