Third Issue of The Hope

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August 14, Saturday

The Followers of Armageddon

Britainnia has lately been terrorised by Zog Cabal, also now known because of their actions as Followers of Armageddon. I have been carefully trying to learn more about the cult, and it seems this all is somehow involved with wisps. Jasper McCarrin, of the Town Cryer told in his report about involment of wisps. I generally think Wisps as good creatures but then again who knows for sure? I am seeking the Seekers of Wisps help on this matter, to share the knowledge and help us understand better.

-For more information go: The Town Cryer

Mage Tower Tournament

The younger and more eager mages and paladinds of the Mage Tower has convinced the older members to hold a tournament. The tournament will be for warriors and mages, and has prices for the most skilled ones. The event is held tonight (8.45 EST) at Mage Tower.

-For more information go: UO Vault

August 12, Wednesday

Got something to sell?

What wouldst a newspaper be without advertisements? Aye, I wish to receive advertisements of thine shops, taverns or other businesses. Advertisements canst include a map or picture. The advertisements need to be done with good taste and cannot be to long. I keep a right to alter them, reject them or remove them. Read to About section for more guidance.

August 11, Tuesday

His royal majesty Lord British speaks

This is the speech his royal highness Lord British gave to citizens of Britannia:

Hail citizens, friends?. Fellow Britannians. 'Tis with an angry heart that I speak with thee tonight. For We Have Been Betrayed!!! The entire realm.. every living creature, great and small? Betrayed! We face dangers each day. We are not cowards to cry out at the first sign of hardship. But the Zog Cabal hath gone too far! By attempting to cast the Armageddon spell, they have shown their true face. They mean ill to the entire realm. To each and every one of us. Though their motives remain a mystery, there can be no doubt as to their willingness to try again. And with any future attempt, the Zog Cabal will at best learn better how to correct their mistakes? at worst, render Britannia a total wasteland. With this dread knowledge comes responsibility. Responsibility that none dare ignore. The Zog Cabal and every being who claims membership with this fell company are enemies to us all! Thus I ask all Britannians to aid in the search for the Zog Cabal. Seek ye any sign. Any clue. Aught at all which may assist us in finding the lair or leaders of the Zog Cabal. Any member of the Cabal who is captured should be brought to the Court of Truth in Yew where they will be thoroughly questioned. With the Virtues to guide us, I will have every Zog Cabalist brought to justice! Their fates will be tempered by Honor and Compassion, but they will threaten our lands NO LONGER!! Suffer not the indignity of such vile fellows and ye will be stronger for it. Allow them to persist and prosper, and we all weaken.

I wish now to speak of another matter. One of different focus but of no less importance. With the earthquakes brought on by the Zog Cabal, we have discovered a new land. As yet only a brave group of six adventurers hath been sent to explore this uncharted wilderness, including CrawWorth, who hath long been a warrior of high virtue. Wish He and the five who follow him much luck as they venture into the unknown. As word of their findings wends it's way back to us, it hath become clear that more exploration will soon be necessary. To that end, I ask all stalwart warriors, mages of renown, mapmakers of great skill, healers, rangers, scribes? All who art filled with Valor? to heed this call. Many art needed, yet I have full confidence that greater numbers than are required will be willing to volunteer. To all of ye, I offer my deepest thanks. Fear not if ye are unable to join these early explorers. For if all goes well, any who wish it will be allowed to aid in the eventual expansion of our realm. A bulletin board will be posted to allow ye application for early exploration of the new lands. Seek ye and utter the code "noneshallpass". I give my personal thanks to all who accept this duty. And also to all who possess the desire to accept, yet were not called upon to such office.

Thank ye Britannians! And Fare Thee Well!!

The Speech was heard through magic Crests that were placed all over Britain to make it possible for all the Britannians to hear it. Surprisingly Lord British made the speech from Serpents Hold instead of his Castle because of security reasons.


-For more information go: UO Vault

Leiah's Birthday

Unfortunately I was only able to attend the party for short time, my apologies to Lady Leiah for that. But for the time I was able to be there everyone seemed to have a great time.

-For more information go: Leiah's Rune Library

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