The Story of Sir Wolfen

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The Story of Sir Wolfen by Wolfen

I do not know when it was when I awoke, nor do I know where it was. All I truely knew was that I had been asleep for a very long time, that I was no longer in Yew, and that I was hungrier than I had ever been in my entire liftime. When I awoke my stomach shook and groaned, for I had not eaten in a while, and I felt a warm and thick liquid in mine eyes. When I reached to feel what it was I realized it was blood, my own blood none the less. And that I had a gash in my forhead the size of my second and third fingures put together. The sight of blood was not a new sight to me, but the sight of my own,... something I had not seen in what it felt like centuries. I quickly fell asleep again under no controle of my own. When I awoke I looked apon the most beautiful and elegant face of a woman unlike any other I had ever seen. She patted my forhead with something that felt like a wet cloth or sponge, I could not tell. I was to busy studying the face of the woman infront of me. So entranced by her beauty I did not hear the words she spoke to me. As I scanned down her face I did notice her curved lips move, and that made me listen to what she had to say. "I had to begun to give up on you sir, you have been inveloped in the deepest sleep I have ever seen for almost 2 fortnights. If it is not to much trouble or to painful, might I ask your name good sir?" "Wolfen of Yew, son of Wolfbane and third son of the house of Athanlar." Is what I replied. As I spoke those words a puzzled look overcame her face. I asked her, "M'lady, why dost thou look so troubled? Have I said something to upset you so? If I have then let me apologize for my words." She looked into my eyes, still patting my forhead everso gently. Her grey eyes seemingly peering into my very soul. She spoke these words in reply," Sir Wolfen, correct me if I am wrong, but, this Yew that ye speak of does not exist sire. I could be wrong, but understand I know these lands well, and have been in most every city, town, and village from here to Hastral, and explored the barren areas beyond, and yet this Yew ye speak of.... I am sorry but I have not seen nor heard of such a place." All of the color in my face seemed to fade away, and my teeth I begun to grind as I thought to myself-" I know my lands fairly well also, and Hastral? The barren lands beyond? Those places only exist in The Lands Of The Wolven, a damned place it is said that those of Wolven Kind roam, and those of Wolven Kind rule. Can it be?! Are the myths true?!" She seemed to sense my worry and disbelief. "Maybe ye should lie back and rest a bit longer, relax yourself. When ye awake again we will discuss what has happend to you." She patted my shoulder with the same cloth and made me aware of another wound I had on my torn body. She reached over with her other hand and pulled something whitish out of my shoulder, it seemed to be an extremely pointed, razer sharp tooth. At that point with my body pulsating with pain, I went unconsious again. When I awoke for the third time, It seemed that night had befallen. I was alone in a seemingly empty small cottage lit with a few candels. As I sat up I noticed my sword lying on a desk next to a few other shining blades and some other items of interest. I started to step slowly out of bed for fear of sleep claiming me again. I started to walk towards the desk to examine my sword and the others. But before I reached the desk I noticed my blood drenched clothes were laying in a pile beside the desk of blades. I made my decision to find other items of clotheing to wear later and just wear my shorts for now. As I picked up each sword I noticed a different wolf head on the end of each golden and silver handel, I also noticed a round emblem on the begining of each sword blade. The emblems all rezembled a wolf pack. Then I picked up my blade and saw the same things on it. The only difference between my sword and the six others was that mine was blood stained. At that moment I became woozy, but did not pass out, I sat down on the cold floor and thought of all the stories I had heard about the Wolven Lands, the Wolven Kind, and the Fabled Seven. The Fabled Seven were a group of seven Wolven warriors who were feared by all, even the just feared them for the Fabled Seven were not good but nor were they evil. They took what they wanted, helped who they chose to,and answerd to no one, not even the king himself.They feared no man, and they didn't have a reason to, they were the strongest, smartest, and most skilled of all Man Kind and all Wolven Kind. Suddenly as I was contemplating this in my head, the door swung open and the lady I spoke of earlier was standing there with a seemingly shocked look on her face."Sir, ye should nay be out of the bed.You need rest. To walk 'round and work at things will only make yer condition much worse." At this point I stood upward with the Wolven sword in mine hands raised at the woman."Ye have decieved me vile temptress! Ye plan my death, or the reserection of the Fabled Seven. And I shall nay be a part of either." As I said those words I felt weak and dropped face first on the floor. When I awoke I was not in the same house I was in before. I was in a Healers house I knew well in Yew. "Where, where am I? Arg, all a dream? Nay, it was so real, so vivid! I felt the pain as that damned tooth was being pulled from my very shoulder!" At that I checked my shoulder and yes, there was a bandage there soaked in blood. I also felt my head for that gash. And yet again it was there much to my dismay. "But I was not here before! NAY, I was in the WOLVEN LANDS I TELL YOU! WHY DO YOU NOT BELIEVE ME!!!!!" To this day I have not seen the city, or any other town for that matter. Locked away in a small cell with steel bars and labled a mad man. But ye and I both know what truely happend. Right lad?Aye, and we will always know the truth! And they will be none the wiser of it all!

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