The Nature Of Balance

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The Nature Of Balance by Alonwynn

Order and Chaos are not separate, nor are they unlimited; they are indeed finite, and they must balance each other in equal quantities. Nature seeks this Balance, for it consists of both order and chaos, and too much of either would destroy it. If order or chaos get too powerful, the Balance between them must be righted. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Many of our teachings concur with that of the Ophidians.


Balance - the harmony between the Principles of Order and Chaos - this is the one pure axiom we hold true. All three Principles are symbolised in out hieroglyphs: The Great Earth Serpent, keeper of Balance, lies on a vertical plane, around which the two oposing serpents of Chaos and Order wrap themselves.

Chaos and Order each embrace three Forces. These six Forces, when combined, form the three Principles of Balance. The Forces of Chaos are Tolerance, Enthusiasm and Emotion; the Forces of Order are Ethicality, Discipline and Logic. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Chaos¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Tolerance is that which encourages the acceptance of all things.

Enthusiasm is the energy that allows one to perform great tasks.

Emotion is the ability to perceive those feelings that come from the heart, as opposed to those from the mind. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Order¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Ethicality is the belief that there is great value in abiding by rules of conduct.

Discipline is the drive to complete a task and avoid the distractions that will prevent its completion.

Logic permits clear, reasoned thought, free from any instinctual biases. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Balance¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

From the marrage between two Forces, one each from Chaos and Order, come the principles of Balance:

Tolerance and Ethicality combine to form Harmony, the ability to be at peace with oneself, other individuals and the world.

From the union of Enthusiasm and Discipline springs Dedication, that which permits one to surmount obstacles and lead others.

Emotion tempered by Logic results in Rationality, the ability to comprehend life and understand the world around us.


¤¤Chaos without Order¤¤ ¤Tolerance without Ethicality- Anarchy, a lack of standards of conduct.

¤Enthusiasm without Discipline- Wantonness, actions without self-restraint.

¤Emotion without Logic- Insanity, the inability to overcome emotional impulses with rational thought. ¤¤Order without Chaos¤¤

¤Ethicality without Tolerance- Prejudice,a disrespect for the beliefs and rights of others.

¤Discipline without Enthusiasm- Apathy, a spirit of hopelessness that prevents positive action.

¤Logic without Emotion- Ruthlessness, self-advancing actions taken without regard to the wants or needs of others.

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