Profile of Umbra

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I'd like to say thanks to both Thrax for the great paperdoll idea and to Kotare for a very handy and easy to use layout, which, btw, I'm totally now going to exploit, in complete Umbran fashion!

(Note that any aspect of the town itself is subject to change based upon actual life events that take place.)


Floating within a dark sea of stars, Malas is a broken land, wracked by great tremors that constantly threaten the stability of its continents. Its origin is a mystery, and its future inscrutable, but what is known is that this facet is unlike any other. Three great sections of land — one of which is already in the process of crumbling into smaller islands — are connected by bridges, and in between them lays a vast abyss of nothingness.


Dark grey stone walls make up the majority of the buildings, though the occasional accent of blood-red adds a sinister touch to the already foreboding atmosphere of the city, itself. The countryside surrounding Umbra City is dotted with various manor homes, displaying a myriad of artistic designs. The most popular building material is stone, which is one of Umbra's most abundant natural resources.


Umbra's military presence is almost never seen, but certainly always watching, as if from the shadows. Umbrans displaying natural skill with a weapon are encouraged to join the military when they reach a mature age. In past times of war, it has even been mandatory.


MOOD - Due to all the changes in their government over the last few years, citizens are unsure if the current regime will be beneficial and profitable. Many wonder what heights Umbra will rise to under the guidance of Matriarch ab'Arawn. Though there is a sense of economical stablization and growth taking place, most Umbran citizens did not feel a large change in the operations of the city when the ab'Arawn reign began.

Most of the time, nobles and commoners can be seen conducting business in the shops of the city. There is a sense of freedom among the folk of the realm, and they enjoy a more relaxed law system. Though the law system is more relaxed, the punishments for heavier crimes are more severe and there is no court system.

APPEARANCE - Most of the people(shop keepers, etc.) dress in shades of dark grey and red, which is soothing to their eyes, which are accustomed to a world without sun. Due to this lack of sun, the skin shades of the people range from pale white to dark grey, lacking any warmth of skin tone.

CONVERSATION - When asked about any question relating to the latest news or if consulted about town issues, most citizens will react friendly to Umbran natives, but keep a little more tight-lipped to outsiders, relaying little more than professional courtesy. This mistrust is due to years of persecution from the neighboring towns west and north of the continent.

Natives will not gossip to unrecognizable people, such as obvious foreigners or those not already friends and family members.

Sometimes discussions turn towards the orcs in the west and the current state of relations with Luna. Speaking of paladins brings an angry distaste to most citizens and they may express as much in their conversation, if the subject is brought up. Again, this is due to many many years of persecution and past warring.

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