Lord British addresses the Town Councils

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The following article is from 24-Mar-99 on UOSS.

Lord British addresses the Town Councils A few days ago, in Serpent's Hold, there was a meeting between the leaders of 4 major cities. Present were Mayor Saurun of Britain, Mayor Gargish Dragon of Yew, Mayor Orchid of Trinsic and Zym Dragon founder of Rivendell.

A written report about that meeting can be found in the Town Cryer. Here I present you the full text of all that was said at that meeting.


Lord British: Allow me to introduce Lady Laura... she is a member of the castle guard and was assigned by Sir Geoffrey to accompany me tonight.

Lady Laura: *nods* A pleasure to meet such fine company.

Lord British: This meeting was called on behalf of the Merchants of Britain though 'tis always a pleasure to meet those who work so hard for the good of the realm. The reason the merchants and shopkeepers are concerned is due to the conflict between the councils of Trinsic and Yew.

Keuldan Vraal: *frowns*

Furor: Here Here!

Lord British: Caught in the middle, they are suffering. But, I have not come to lay blame nor to point fingers. Verily, I do not know enough of the events to attempt such a thing as councils of Honor and of Justice, I expect news of these troubles would be of great interest, and I do bring news, though I know not exactly what it means in the visions of the past week have been many strange and puzzling images one that came into focus though when I heard of they plight was that the wrong doing is not at the hands of any here nor of any of thy like.

Seer Nikademus: *raises eyebrows*


Keuldan Vraal: *listens close*

Lord British: To be certain, 'tis an outside agent of some sort I can say that with supreme certainty but I cannot divine the source.

Gargish Dragon: *looks astonished*

Dayel Stormcrow: *glances across the aisle*

Seer Nikademus: *frowns*

Lord British: It shall be up to thee to determine those who try to sabotage thy works. But the rift between thee only furthers their cause. So I strongly suggest ye put such behind ye and seek to discover thy true enemy. And to begin this... I would pardon Vice Mayor Nickola who had no part i what she was accused.

Thrawn: *gasp*

Emerald: *smiles*

Razor: [The Phantom, TSG]

Nickola: *is speechless*

Keuldan Vraal: *looks relieved*

Gargish Dragon: *glances at Nickola*

Lord BritishSeer Nikademus shall be able to help thee, I'm certain

Seer Nikademus: *blushes* Thank ye, M'lord. I shall do my best to live up to that

Lord British: *smiles* I trust we can resolve this matter?

Seer Nikademus: *glances at the council leaders*

Saurun: Britain stands with you Majesty, as always.

Keuldan Vraal: Your will be done Liege!

Lord British: Ah.. the good seer has reminded me.. 'twas the Merchants of Rivendell

Emerald: *nods*

Thrawn: if the true culprit remains at large... I'm sure we can find them..

Orchid: I believe we can reach a sensible agreement

Lord British: Good good. I had no true doubt. Ye all seem strong in the virtues and seek them truly

Thrawn: though I am a bit embarassed at my decision to imprison Nickola now...

Lord British: I know not the details of that trial

Thrawn: *hangs his head*

Lord British: but I trust ye did what ye thought was necessary

Gargish Dragon: We were tricked by something evil, Justice

Thrawn: indeed, it seems...


Lord British: Aye, but now that you know that.. you may now pursue and defeat that evil

Orchid: I suppose we may have let our pride get in the way as well...

Lord British: Perhaps so

Saurun: Thou did as thy virtues lead you to believe was correct. No shame in that.

Lord British: Yet, to blindly follow is not the answer either. Each virtue tempers the rest

Saurun: *nods*

Seer Nikademus: *listens attentively*

Lord British: This is where true virtue lays, though 'tis not easily attained. Strive for such, and thou'lt not stray often nor far

Seer Nikademus: Mayhap more citizens will strive toward the Virtues, m'lord

Lord British: Aye

Seer Nikademus: T'would be a pleasure to see

Emerald: indeed it would

Keuldan Vraal: Verily tis our duty to teach them to do so

Xena Dragon: We need a common cause

Lord British: Indeed it would

Dayel Stormcrow: M'lord...do ye believe the evil come to Buc's Den is behind this conspiracy?

Lord British: Nay, that is larger and deeper than thy own foe, and feel relief that it is so

Dayel Stormcrow: *looks pensive*

Seer Nikademus: That isn't good to hear. The Councils must solve this then, before they are beset by two evils.

Emerald: *nods*

Lord British: *nods*

Xena Dragon: United we stand

Lord British: that would be my council to thee I thank all of thee for coming here

Keuldan Vraal: Our swords and lives are yours to command Lord to rid this land of evil

Lord British: Lady Laura and I must adjourn to duties elsewhere

Seer Nikademus: Thank ye for your time, m'lord

Lady Laura: *smiles*

Emerald: aye


Jovar: Hail Lord British! Hail the King!

Lord British: Thank thee , Keuldan

Orchid: Ay m'lord, if ever you shall require Trinsic's paladins you need only ask

Draconius: Long live the King

Xena Dragon: Excuse my brutality

Lord British: and Thank thee all

Sagramore: Long live the King

Saurun: *Hail Your Majesty*

Keuldan Vraal: For Yew! For Justice! For our King!!

Xena Dragon: A small token of my appreciation

Gargish Dragon: Long live Lord British

Furo r: Long Live The King!

Lord British: *smiles and chuckles

Emerald: safe journies M'Lord

Xena Dragon: 'Tis true

Nickola: thank you my king

Lord British: Thank thee, M'Lady Xena

Fran-Horas: Farewell my King

Lord British: We shall take our leave

Lady Laura: Aye

Varkyll Nialmar: Honor be with thee my king!

Thrawn: farewell, thanks for the insight into the matter!matter!

Gilleandoes: ?

White Rabbitt: pss it's Lord British

Gilleandoes: o

Orchid: good travels and be safe

Steel Man: :)

Lord British: There is a dispute in Jhelom about two farmers claiming to own the same pig

Xena Dragon: Fare thee well

Seer Nikademus: I see the naked miner's guild showed up late

White Rabbitt: it's a very rare occassion to see him

Orchid: may the virtues be with you always

Keuldan Vraal: *chuckle*

Lord British: sharpen thy blade, Lady Laura

Emerald: *chuckles*

Xena Dragon: Kill the pig !!

Seer Nikademus: *grins*

Gargish Dragon: *grins*

Lord British: *smiles*

Lord British: *smiles*

Furor: *laughs*

Saurun: Give each half!

Seer Nikademus: Bacon for all, m'lord?

Lady Laura: 'tis always sharp, milord

Emerald: I'm sure you're judgement will be fair

Gilleandoes: hmmm

Lord British: Farewell, and I wish thee luck on thy search for thy foe

Sir-Cael-Caveral: May not all Necromancers be against the realm

Seer Nikademus: Fare thee well.

Lord British: and swift blades if it comes to such

Zym Dragon: farewell Milord

Emerald: tempered by compassion I hope!

Keuldan Vraal: Thank you Lord fare well!

Furor: All Hail

Lord British!

Sir-Cael-Caveral: for i will not be

Gargish Dragon: Fare thee well, milord

Orchid: Thank you lord, and thank you for releasing our Nickola

Saurun: Aye forget not compassion

Emerald: *waves*

- Xena Dragon

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