Letter to Moonglow Leadership

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  • an open letter to GreyPawn*

By Gub Gub

My dearest Fallen Sage,

You speak in dramatic tones and use words of virtue, but you have no concept of them. You are a fool and a criminal, and the concept of virtue is lost on you. While you dance around and expound on how virtuous you are, you attack bastions of virtue and sacred houses of artifacts of virtue.

The reason you can sleep well so close to the Cainans is because you are safe from them. The Shadow Conclave does not attack thier own.

You sir are the worst sort of evil. You are the sort of evil that is more damnable than the Cainans, the Cult, The Dark Awakening and the Society of Shadows combined. You are the evil that hdes behind the facade of virtue. You seek not truth, you seek power. You seek not justice you seek vengance. You stand not for compassion, you stand for intolerance. You are the sort of evil that cannot be allowed to live.

I think I have discovered what your intent is with the Bell, the Book and the Candle. I cannot allow you to corrupt the purity of virtue such. I will not allow this.

Your fractured mind threatens the realm far more than any plot by Azalin, Dealthagar or Smogg. Your evil would tear our realm apart. It is in this, I have made my oath.

Your crimes, your deeds and your actions speak for themselves. I am the conscious of the Heralds of the Awakening. I am he who does that which must be done, no matter the cost or the price. This brings me no joy. At one time I called you "ally" and "friend". But now it cannot be. Your soul is broken and your heart is corrupt.

The time has come for you to atone for what you have wrought. I will strike you down, cleanly and justly. You will suffer not. You will simply die. My blade comes for you.

Perhaps your men will stop me. The first time. Perhaps even the second. Your men are dedicated to your wicked cause. They do not see the evil and malice in your heart. It does not matter. I come for you. I come to finish your reign of terror. Brittannia will be free. It will be free of one such as you.

Sic Semper Tyrannus - "Thus ever to tyrants"

Know those words, GreyPawn. Meditate on them. We know what is evil in the realm. You know my heart, and you know what motivates me. You know what it would take to bring me to this. Azalin has not. Smogg has not. Rune Artisem has not. Dealthagar has not. You have. Your evil, your tyranny ends now.

Sic Semper Tyrannus

Signed, Gub-Gub, Sage of Humility

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