How to Roleplay an Orc in General

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The Orc

1. Orcs are naturally curious by nature. Shiney objects tend to be placed in great value to them. This has brought on the natural demand for tribute. Most often appeasing an orc will often get them to leave you alone, however don't be surprised if another comes up looking for the same tribute.

2. Orcs prefer great numbers. Orcs traveling alone are actually *not* unheard of. However, it can be easily seen that they seem more then a little out of place. Orcs by themselves can often seem comical or confused. However, the more orcs that congregate outside their borders the less "civility" they will show. While one orc may be loathed to run around killing people that same orc with 4 other orcs couldn't think of a better past time then to raise hell. This can be attributed to the strength in numbers clan mentality an orc follows. Outside the clan he's at the worlds mercy (and it shows). With others they grow bold. This should not be attributed to any sort of cowardice rather a form of common sense. This will not stop a single orc (or orcs in smaller numbers then an opponent) from blindly taking up arms if they figure someone has insulted them in a fashion that they actually find insulting (hint: Orcs don't care when you call them smelly. If they aren't proud of their smell, then at very least they've heard that insult before).

3. Orc Hirearchy tends to go as follows: the bigger and stronger and orc is, the more control they have over their clan. Often control is gained by combat means.

4. Orcs have little intelligence but are masters at war. Brute strength seems to be their only tactic. Think primitive when roleplaying an orc. Do not be fooled by their savagry however, an orc mob is hard to stop once its in motion.

5. Orcs often do things for their clans rather than for themselves. orcs are simply orgasmic about claiming any and all territories they come across as their own. These claims should be taken seriously on the grounds the orcs will become violent over these claims. They SHOULDN'T be taken seriously in the thought that they actually intend to keep what they are claiming. It should be considered more of a chest beating match for the orcs to try to claim supremacy over the current denizens. Therefore (on an OOC note) I hope no one accuses the orcs of trying to take lands that is recognized as someone elses. Orcs think it all belongs to them. Either humor them, stand aside, or fight them. They'll be gone soon enough. I mean, why would orcs want to live in hummie cities anyway? Smells like flowers...

6. Rarely will you see any orc on a mount. This is mainly due to the concept that most mounts are considered food to them.

7. Even though Orc are considered chaotic, to them, they see the other races as opressors and act as if they are innocent even if they are the aggressors. An orc on neutral ground (Sanctus for example) will often be a different orc then if they are on orc lands. While an orc may act perfectly amiable towards you just standing around near Hanse that same orc will probably still demand tribute from you if you come to the orc fort and more then likely have no trouble running you off orc lands. It goes along with their fierce territoriality. In the case of super rare exceptions some might be allowed to stay. But that comes from the might of one orc telling the others to shut up about this one hummie.

8. Orcs are barbaric in every way. When there are no humans to fight, they are busy keeping each other in line.

9. Most orcs will wear ringmail or other crude looking armor over anything else. It is very uncommon even rare to see an Orc use such weapons as katana's or other finely crafted weapons.

10. Orcs can't count (very important *grins*)

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