First Yew War

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Primary Contributor: Grishnak, Cheef uv da Stormreavers. Date of Conflict: (Under investigation)



The Yew Town Council of Justice had existed for some time as the protectors of Yew and members of the then Council of Virtue. They generally kept themselves concerned with the matters of their territory, providing assistance as was needed. However, to the south, near the dungeon Shame, rose a soon to be powerful force from the native orc populations there: the Stormreaver Orc clan. Lead by orcs like Grishnak, Og'din, Voqk and many other noteworthy Orcs of that era, the humans of all lands began to know the fury and avarice of the Stormreavers. With a fundamental antipathy towards all humans, it was only a matter of time before conflict began to brew with their closest neighbors in Yew.


A man by the name Will Smitt, whom was spellbound to the clan, came to the Orcs seekng their assistance. Evidently he had laid claim to Yew as the rightful kingship and wished to employ the Orcs to help him secure his claim. The Orcs were uninterested until promises of shinies (gold), ale and of much bloodshed was offered. Mobilizing their forces, the Orcs began raids and operations into Yew on a much larger scale, leaving the town council of Yew under no misconception of what was to come. As the level of violence begin to scale up, the Orcs soon shoved Will Smitt and his claim aside as they made plans to take the city for themselves. Gathering up their magical allies in the Cult of Infernal Necromancy (Ncr) and the Order of the Ebon Skull (OES), the Orcs marched to war. Opposing them was the Yew Town Council (Yew), the Lost Order of Alkabeth and eventually the Moonglow Town Council, Britannian Council Knights and the Urban Knights.

The War

Each battle does not require its own breakdown as the methods and tricks employed were the same in each battle with only the sites of bloodshed being different. There were five locations where battle occured. The southern sheep pens, the Yew healers, the Court of Justice, the straights offshore (sea battle) and the ruins north of the Orc Fort. Each side drew up plans for counter-attacking once one sides advance was checked and would thus determine the victor by who managed to drive the other back to their headquarters first. With their battle plans prepared and their allies gathered, the war began in earnest.

However, not every war is characterized by glorious last stands and the pulsing tide of battle and war. Some wars are remembered for simply what they were. A one-sided slaughter. The First Yew War was exactly this as the Orcs proved entirely unstoppable. With superior numbers the Orcs held a significant advantage. With battle tested tactics, namely the "krimp" (an orcish strategy of having 4 orcs box a target in and then cross heal while they killed their target), they destroyed whatever enemy formations they came across. Technology in the form of lances and bolas allowed the Orcs to swiftly dismount and targets on horseback. And finally, superior unity and discipline allowed the Orcs to command any battlefield they stepped upon.

The battles were short and bloody with the Orcs commanding the field at every turn. In a matter of weeks the war was over and the Stormreaver clan stood triumphant. The Yew Town council was forced to withdraw its authority from Felucca Yew and retreat into Trammel. Standing triumphant the Orcs took claim of the city and made use of its sheep and ale for many years to come (take that to mean what you will).


With such a spectacular victory behind them, the Orcs soon became known as a large and capable power. While not "evil" in the strictest sense of the word, their warlike nature and lack of respect for orderly human institutions would often see them opposing Lightbringer guilds for years to come. The Yew Town Council faded mostly from sight as the stage of history began to shift to other places and nations, not showing any particular activity until the Second Yew War.

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