Ebon Skull Archives: The Story of Dissident

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This is reposted from OES documentation for the pleasure of the Atlantic Community. Story by Dissident of OES.

Dissident was raised in a religious family by his Father, who was a priest, and also his mom, who was standing by his father's side. His two brothers were all on the same track as their father, but one day when Dissident started to realize that all wasn't right at the church that he was attending. He sat in on Sunday Service one day and when he went to bow his head to the ankh, he felt a sudden urge to lash out. He stood up, became maliciously violent and ran out the doors, never to be seen again for some years later. He came back to see his father who did not know what was going on. His father did not recognize his son, but had a strange feeling that it was him His son was no longer the human being that he was before. He had recently grown to over 6'8", and the last time they met, he was only above five feet. His son was wearing a pentagram around his neck and his hair and eyes were jet black as all of his soul had left his body. He seemed to be lifeless. His father was petrified that the evil powers have overcome his son, and to his instincts they were right. Once Dissident passed through the door into his so called home. Screams started to run through his head, as if his father was putting these thoughts there. He confronted his father outside as much as he could but still could not just stand the pain and horrors that were racing through his mind. His father, placed an ankh around his neck and laid it over the pentagram , but the ankh just melted as the pentagram became hotter and hotter. His father started chanting, the chants became harsher and harsher to him. When his father left him, there was no more that he could do

His son, Dissident could not be saved from the evil powers. Dissident now has realized that the only chaos in this world is brought forth from the other priests in the world trying to rid the world of chaos. Dissident came across a necromancer, Mesostopheles recently outside of a town. Dissident realized that the Necromancer was performing some rituals and some magic on the surrounding people. Dissident caught his attention by surprising the necromancer from behind with some tricks of light. He was warned by Dissident of the Priests out to do the Chaotic priest harm, so Mesostopheles offered to help Dissident by taking him under his wing and helping him become the Strongest of the Priests and to take out his enemies.

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