Diana: Fifth Generation Gangrel 2

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Diana : Fifth Generation Gangrel by Book 2

ever transformed,
ever seeking the

Chapter Four

'Twas near the time of these awakenings that I learned of my mother's disgrace. My heart became as if of stone, hardened to all goodness and virtue that had been forced upon me all these years. For all of my life my mother had taught me that above all things one must always remain true to ones self and to ones honor. I beganto wonder. How had she protected her honor? What lessons had been tainted in her mind as a result of her trials? And what of me, born in and of dishonor, how could I ever be made whole again?

Chapter Five

I left my island home and began to search, never looking back. I wandered the wilderness as my mother had done . Many mud soaked trails leading to hunger and despair. I remained barely alive feeding off worms and plants I found and in my travels came upon many new and strange creatures some of which I slew for food and hides while from others i was forced to flee. For quite some time I wandered trying not to fall victim to the tormented places I dicovered, learning more however from each place and thing. Each had its own special attack or thought process. Some were fleet afoot whilst others were slow and lumbering yet powerful. Some others, and these are the ones from which I learned the most, were magical. I watched them closely from cover, hiding unseen and deep in the shadows so as not to have my presence known. The hidden shadows between light and dark became my ally. As I watched and learned I began to gather magical items called reagents and slowly I learned the verses spoken, causing a spell to be cast upon my enemy which could do him harm without revealing my place of hiding. The feeling of power and freedom i felt with every casting was overwhelming. It was as if the power of the universe had been harnessed and handed to me. I reveled in it. This, I though, was the way to find the defiler of my mother and in doing so regain the honor that was lost. Honor, which had meant so much to her and now to me. I became consumed with one thought, finding he who had brought me into this world and removing him from it forever.

Chapter Six

My travels would take me now from one shire to the next seeking out those who wouldst be likely candidates for my wrath.

Along the trail I was set upon by a new creature, a large bird person, which, by its looks, made me think of a large vulture walking upright on two feet like a man. It was slightly bent at the shoulders and peering over its left side in my direction. I felt a sudden panic! Had the creature seen me? Once more I slowly melted aback into the shadows, which had become my friend, and watched as the creature set upon an unsuspecting traveler. In no time it had killed its

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