Bleen's Decree

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We live in a world of dynamic balance, for every action taken by light there is a corresponding action emanating from the dark. There is no endpoint in the battles between the guilds of light and dark, these move the great balance closer to the omega point. What we percieve as the great ages and upheavals of our age are the perbutations in the balances as it swings from alpha to zeta. It is human and fey blood that is spilt to bring the balance back to the center. The virtues and the shrines and the dungeons are all part of the system that creates and maintains this balance. With the age of shadows upon us, we are now in a period where the forces of light and dark are to be in contention on many fronts. One of these has been the desecration of the shrines by individuals for various reasons or so they think. In fact their actions are all part of a piece.

To cleanse the shrines. The tradition of the light guilds sending their young warriors to the shrines as part of their process of moving upwards in the ranks has given me my basis for this proposal. The way the shrines work for virtue is this. The shrines exist as physical manifestations of virtue. But only when does it exist in the hearts and minds of the population of Britannia does the shrine truly exist on this plane. Otherwise they are simply pieces of rock and stone. The ability of individuals like Gorhan to accomplish his desecration has to do with the battle for the souls of the people in this land. Not in the particular 'magic' of the shrine itself. So here is what the guilds need to do.

Not only must bands of lightbringers visit the shrines and chant the sacred words at them, but they must bring small amounts of gold to each one as a symbolic sacrifice. They must also leave a small bit of corn or other symbol of life or rebirth at the shrine. Along with this, the lightbringers must choose a dungeon as a symbol of the infection of darkness in our land, near a shrine and in a mass gathering, go through the dungeon and cleanse it of as many of the beasts of darkness as possible. Finally to truly cleanse the shrine and reinvigorate the shrines the members of these expeditions must write up their experiences in a book to be left near the moongates througout the lands. This is to transmit the values of the virtues to the populace and thereby strengthen the hold of virute and rebind the connection between the void and the material plane of our lands. This last part is in fact the most important. It is in the hearts and souls of our people that the cleansing truly takes place.

Godspeed to all of you.

Bleen the Green First Student Truth Ascendant

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