Keep Your Soul!

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Title: Keep Your Soul!

Author: Isk

The lure of the dark side is strong. The promise of eternal power, magical and supernatural knowledge or even company to some is a fair exchange for ones eternal soul. Humans are the only beings walking Sosaria who actually possess a soul, the other creatures and races being too chaotic and twisted in appearance to act as vessels for a divinity. Thus it is the right of all humans, the need of the race to remain pure. It has long been argued that necromancy is the first step towards the degradation of the spirit.

Only those with exceptional self control can maintain their humanity and practice the dark art, a magical practice which inevitably leads one to the worship of daemons. To worship the ungodly daemons is to take a regressive step as an evolved being should not pay homage to a creature beneath it. Furthermore, it is the goal of most dedicated necromancy practitioners to reach immortality through the lichdom spell formulas or vampiric blood magics. It has been stated by Humanis before that any modification to the human form can only create a lessening of that form. This is further supported by economic theory which suggests that success is the result of more gain than expenditure. In the case of vampirism the vampiric subject would theoretically spend a portion of its time hunting for blood and once it is found drain its victim sending one able bodied producer into a weakened state while the vampire takes on energy for a limited time.

On the whole a society with vampires present experiences a drainage in energy and thus does not become successful. Such an existence diminishes the once human being into a predatory hunter which waists more power than it would be able to produce had the vampire remained human. In the case of liches the spell removes the moral aspect of the persona turning the human magician into a senseless servant of the very gods that populated the world with orcs and elves. To prove this one must only look into the past to see what previous liches had accomplished, how anti progressive and chaotically violent such beings become. The body of the human turned lich shrivels as muscles wither, the appearance no longer becomes human as the mark of the sinner gods becomes evident on the lich. The mind of liches becomes warped and paranoid, the lich hides in towers and dark corners avoiding all forms of confrontation as what remains of their self worth cries out in their minds adding to the misery of their pathetic existence.

Is the continued destiny of humanity to triumph over the minor races and claim Sosaria as our place of dominance. For every human that modifies its body be it by technomantic implants, vampirism or anything else which changes the structure of the human form or mind there will be one more pyre on Year Zero.

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