First Issue of The Hope

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August 2, Sunday

Special report about the Sandstone Festival

The Sandstone Festival was held yesterday, and I think it is mine humble duty to tell little about what happend there. First of all I must say that there was many Town Councilors to help people, which made us feel welcome. Also there was a bar that offered people free refreshments and something to eat, which was very thoughtful.


The Festival had all kinds of different competitions, like mentioned in advertisements before. To mention few of competitions there was: magery, drawing and town race.


And what would a festival be without famous people. Though Lord British or Lord Crawworth didst not attend there were people like Xena Dragon, Leiah the owner of rune library and of course mayor Tanis of Trinsic. Even a councelor and a mystical Seer was seen at the Festival.


Unfortunately the large festival also attracted low lifes of our society. There was few thieves who stole bar furtiture and few fools who tried to make the plaza to be a fighting arena. Fortunately they didst not cause any major problems. From what I experianced at the Festival I wouldst say it was a success. I hope Trinsic Council of Honor and Mayor Tanis will arrange more festivals in the future.

-For more information go: Trinsic Council of Honor

August 1, Saturday

The Great Bear Tavern

The Great Bear Tavern had its grand opening on July the 30th, and what I have heard the event was compleat success. The taverns speciality is wrestling matches. Be sure to visit the tavern when thee has the time. The location of this fine place is south from Skara Brae docks, near the maze, on the main continent of Britannia.


-For more information go: The Great Bear Tavern

Sandstone Summer Festival -Reminder

Be sure to visit the Sandstone Summer Festival in Trinsic today (3pm EST). For more information look at the article in yesterdays news.


-For more information go: Trinsic Council of Honor

July 31, Friday

Sandstone Summer Festival

On August the first (3pm EST), which is tomorrow, City of Trinsic will have a summer festival. The event is organised by Trinsics Mayor Tanis Felorian and the Trinsic Council of Honour. The event will take place at the plaza where their last event, the Festival of Honor, was too. If the Festival will be anything I saw at the Festival of Honour, the new festival will be great.

Following contests were announched:

  1. An Archery Contest
  2. A Cartoon/Art Contest
  3. A Foot Race
  4. A Magery Contest
  5. A Story-Telling Contest
  6. A Wrestling/Pit Fighting Contest

Security will be handled by the Honor Guard and the Bravehearts.

July 30, Thursday

Altar of Faith

I was having a conversation about The Eight Virtues of our land with respectable Monk Tenebrae and his friend Admiral Keeshi. We ended up talking about the Justice Shrine and to mine surprise it turned out that there was an altar north from the Justice shrine, near the waterfalls. The monk was kind enough to guide me to the place, so that I was able to see the place myself. He called it as Altar of Faith. To all those who plan to get wed I suggest that thee go and see the place as it is truely on a lovely spot.


Crawworth Alive

Captain of Trinsic Guard was found and rescued by adventurers earlier this week. Unfortunately Crawwoth hasth not been able to tell who was behind his capture or why was he captured in the first place. It is not clear does he know more than he tells but is too scared to tell more. At least in my opinion Orcs art too stupid to come up a plan like this alone, many suspect Zog Cabal but so far only clue who or what is behind this is the mysterious scrolls found at Trinsic forest and Fire Island, both signed by "W".

July 17, Friday

Lord British Castle seems once again to be open to the public. The reason for this is yet unknown, but the gates were wide open on Saturday. To my surprise I heard that the throne room was decorated with flower, and there was a large number of seats on both sides of the great hall. The reason for this art yet unknown as the guards of the palace or the bard inside the throne room were not able or willing to help.


Other News

Leiah's Rune Library

Leiah's Rune Library celebrates their 10,000 registered visitor! Citizen Airborne walked through the library doors at 11pm (CST) Tuesday (1/26/99), becoming the 10,000th registered visitor. To celebrate Leiah presented Airborne with a new Durable Plate Helm of Invulnerabilty. Leiah would like to thank, all the past and present visitors, who have made the library the success it is.



Cheers, Leiah

-For further details:

Leiah's Rune Library

January 14, Thursday

Festival of Guilds - The Lifeblood of Britannia


DATE: Sunday, January 17th TIME: 8PM - 11:00PM (EST) HOSTED BY: LOA - Lost Order of Akalabeth Event Location: LOA Village - Yuw Region (SEE MAP)


To share the company with other Britannians and guilds, forming new friendships, new alliances, and for one night, setting aside differences with old enemies.

This is a time for fun stories, a time to see wonderful creatures, meet famous people, and to drink your face off! This is the time to seek a guild for members, or perhaps a time to find new customers to sell your wares to.

Special Note: This is also a wedding reception for Dragon Lord KilJaeden (OES) and his betrothed, Lady Velaska of the LOA. A union unlike any other, one between Evil and Good. May their love and passion last for eternity, and may their swords and spells never turn on each other.


If you remember festivals of the past, you will know that they have been 'crashed' before by anti-socialites. It happens, and it is simply a fact of life in Britannia. I have thought long and hard about this one, and I have decided that the very BEST SCENARIO for all our guests is: Travel Lightly.

If you can, please bring only things you can wear, carry or afford to lose. Thieves are everywhere, and they will no doubt be on the prowl for YOUR belongings - quite simply, don't give them the chance to steal anything from you. Fair enough? You may want to bring non- magical armor/weapons, or at least minor magical armor/weapons. There WILL be sparring matches, as long as the crowd seems to be mature and respectful of those sparring who will inevitably turn grey.


The Brewman Tavern, found within the beautiful compound of the LOA Village, will be packed with food items and beverages. We have the finest ale, the best spirits and Chicken/Ribs to die for! Fill yourself up with all you can eat, but please, don't pack a doggy bag to go! We want to make sure everyone is fed and full. If ye wish to tip the bartender, waitress or the chefs, please do so. They have spent HOURS working on this festival, and your contributions are welcomed, not expected. Chef on duty: ATTRAEL (LOA)


As with most towns, villages and cities, the LOA has a fine network of vendors. We have what we call, "Theme Vendors", such as one who sells food, ale, etc., one who sells provisioner goods, one for potions, scrolls and reagents, etc. All in all, our prices are fair and our stock is kept up with. If you get here late, don't expect to find a bunch of stuff. Items are priced to sell!


RHIANNON (LOA) will be in charge of all payments of awards. If the gold of awards exceeds her budget, we will arrange payments for the very next day.


SPARRING MATCHES - CROWD PERMITTED. Basically, depending upon the crowd members, we will either have sparring contests, or we will not. Sparring Matches will be referreed by an LOA member (may change through- out the night). All winners of sparring matches will be given a voucher to collect 3 000 gold coins per match won. If the following rules are broken, the payment of the awards will be null and void:

- No Hiding, Poison, Recalling, Potions - If you wish to fight with magic, this must be agreed upon prior to the match. Since we are trying to avoid theives, you may want to leave the reagents at home. The Abbey Bank is NOT far from LOA village, you can grab your things after the party.

  • * *

Place: Behind the Platinum Enforcers Barracks Time: All Night Long - Closes at 11pm EST Hosted by: (To be announced at festival)


- Tables will be set up, along with some chairs. You will be given a bottle of whiskey, along with your competitor, and the first man to finish the bottle will win the match. This competition will be referreed as well, winner will earn 3k per match won. Voucher MUST come from the Ref.

  • * *

Place: Outside the House of Architects Time: 9pm EST - 9:30pm EST Hosted by: (To be announced at festival) RIDDLES

- The LOA will work on riddles for the festival, we will most likely announce them in the tavern, and the first person *observed* with the answer will win the award of 5,000gp. The riddles will range from easy to hard, so don't expect easy money!! Again, the bartender will be in charge of this event and will assign vouchers to those who win.

  • * *

Place: Inside the Brewman Tavern. Time: 9:30pm EST - 10:00pm EST Hosted by: (To be announced at festival)


- We are looking for some nasty, wicked, ruthless, braggart pirates to come to the Festival and try to "Out Pirate" our most notorious pirates! This isn't a cursing contest, so please keep this mature and fun. We are looking for a back and forth match of wit, wisdom, bragging, and the most outrageous tales of pirating adventure. You will go back and forth with your competitor, and the CROWD will vote at the end as to WHO is the true PIRATE! If you beat the LOA Pirate, you will earn 5,000gp. Get your voucher for payment!! A special gift will go to the BEST pirate of the evening. We have a Dragon Ship Deed as a parting gift... may the best man or woman win!

  • * *

Place: Southern Corner of the LOA Village Time: 10:00pm EST - 10:30pm EST Hosted by: (To be announced at festival)

WAR ACTIONS: Please try to avoid turning grey at this event. If people show up and cause trouble, avoid them unless they are GREY. We are not looking to have our guests get murder counts on our behalf. There is NO NEED to go out of your way and be the hero. Simply have fun, and use words, not metal, against those who seek to disrupt the evening. If we try to remain blue, there WILL BE LESS chaos in the end.

PRAISE/COMPLAINTS: If you wish to send praise, or sadly, complaints, you can send them to following addresses: or -For further details:

Lost Order of Akalabeth The Village

January 3, Sunday

Ray's Cafe Arctica Reminder

Hail, Cafe Arctica is open now! It is in a two story house in the north of Ice Island. Nathalie will serve you with drinks sometimes and there's also a vendor with food and drinks. You can find a rune to the Tavern in Leiah's Rune Library or in Castel Vert a small tavern in the north of Skara Brae Mainland.



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