The Humanis Army
"Should they intend to deceive thee, verily Mother sufficeth thee: It is She that hath strengthened thee with Her aid and with the company of Believers."
The Making of a Rightious Soldier
With stable growth propelling Humanis forward in the fields of politics and war the Magincian army has reached a new level of excellence swelling into a meaningful force capable of punishing even the most distant enemies and defilers of goodness. Due to competent leadership and the forging of close bonds within its ranks the Hand of Humanis has engaged in various battles and skirmishes with the enemies of humanity successfully vanquishing evil wherever it appears. The superiority of the Humanis mounted charge has left many enemies unhorsed and trampled. Those who can usually run.

Randomly scheduled training practices keep the military in shape as Janissaries and Purists work to perfect themselves in the ways of combat and magics. It is no exaggeration to claim that the best fighters in the realm fight for Humanis and Magincia. When combined with the forces of the Regency the Loyalists could become a world shaping force.
Mark Randerstill seated upon his horse with the mark of the victor secure to him like a personal standard.

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