What’s to Come?!
You must be asking yourself that very same question having just read our latest issue. Remember that the Voice is what you make of it so send in your ideas and articles by contacting us.
The Free Tamers of Sosaria have suggested a guild spotlight each issue which would showcase a new guild every time. You would be able to read up on what your fellows are doing and gain insight into guilds you may not have known existed!

Others have suggested articles ment to have you coming back, like hidden pages. Well we've done that... in this very issue.

There are more ideas out there so send them in.
Sosarian Voice Issue 3 CONTEST!
Its time for a contest!

Be the fourth person to answer the following three questions correctly and Lord Isk will pain a portrait of you to be featured in the next issue!

Question 1

Who was the “Rat Man” of Yew?

Question 2

Who was Teflon Billy’s lawyer during the infamous Moonglow trial?

Question 3

Who won the dart throw contest during the Spring Festival?

Submit your answers to our paper by
contacting us!!
Hint: You will need to find past issues to answer some of these!

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