-News Bits-
The vow renewal of Lord Smogg Azalin to his wife the Lady Reminisence took place in Trinsic on the week of the Humanis Rally. The event was overseen by Martin Willow along with various other members of the Trinsic Council of Honour including Lady Savhanna. In the stands were invited members of Humanis along with the Brotherhood of the Hand as well as an unruly orc element and various now former loyalists such as Red Wind.
At the close of the ceremony half of the spectators were overcome by a sudden need for violence and blood was spilled causing mayhem and carnage as the bride and groom exited the stage.
Regency News
The seventh Sosarian Regent, Lilyth Noir has stepped down creating a deep hole within the Regency which was filled only with fear as the remainder of the loyalists shake themselves out of a deep sleep and discover themselves to be a handful in number. What is left for the Regency to do? The only possible method of salvation is a complete reworking of the Regency bureaucracy.
Human to Non-Human Marriages
The past three months have seen a disturbing trend continue, the soiling of Human blood as our brightest and most influential fall under the sway of Elven whores. Power is being quickly consolidated as the elven conspiracy stretches over the lands of Malas and western Sosaria.
A Humanis rendition of Molly the devourer of men. In the guise of a mantis
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