Then and Now
Oh muses that inspire lesser men to make great works come to me so that under the gaze of the architect who makes men strong and weak at once. For easily he makes strong, and easily he brings the strong low; easily he humbles the proud and raises the obscure, and easily he straightens the jagged and wrecks the proud.
Attend you with eyes and ears, and make judgements direct with righteousness. And we will tell you of proper things.

Strife breeds and destroys. For when there was the one lord, British was opposed by Blackthorn who quarrelled in idea. Land was united under divine rule corruption was held at bay and pure virtue shined like the light of the architect yet there still was conflict. Orcish brutes were suppressed and not a single dwarf would dare to take his lands. But conflict remained and it was in idea, and when the idea of global equality became the victor land was split among new equals and unity was lost.

Kronos, charge up these things in your heart, and do not let conflict that delights in mischief hold your heart back from your destiny, while you glance and goggle and listen to the arguments of the court-house. So when you have your fill of argument, will you raise disputes and strive to cause strife elsewhere?
Should you indulge in the selective prejudice your men held when you were gone against those in the east who wish to be your closest allies? Or shall you turn justice to the west and strike down those who have taken what Lord British the king cherished?
For if you follow the eyes of the elven whore you will find her greedy gaze lies on her only threat and your only true salvation. So will you maintain your dark affair with the serpents? For if you will there will be no second chance to think on it again: nay, let us settle our disputes with true judgement for divided humanity shall at last unite with the death of the factions that separate us.
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